Why I Love Bradford!
Mark Cowgill
Acquisitions Director @ Talk Straight Group | President of Bradford Chamber of Commerce | Co-Host Of Suite Natured - A Cruise Focused YouTube Channel
I've never been one to shy away from saying I am from Bradford. I am proud of where I was born. There are many people from this City, who when asked "where are you from?" will say, Leeds, Near Leeds, or worse still, Manchester ??
Having spent my life living and working in the district is not a reason alone to love a place, in fact could it just be a case of Stockholm syndrome ??BUT I am confident it isn't and let me tell you why.
One of the most common questions I get asked about Bradford, from those that know me (but are not from Bradford), or have seen me speak at an event, is "Why Do You Love Bradford so much, it's not exactly Leeds or London is it" (or words to that affect)?
And no, it's not Leeds or London, nor Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle or Liverpool, it's Bradford.
All of those cities I mention above, I have visited many times, and they all have things I love or at least really like. but they are not home. They are not Bradford!
My City is incredibly diverse from rural towns and villages such as Queensbury (one of the highest villages in the UK) and Ilkley to UNESCO sites like Saltaire and to more urban areas such as Keighley and Bradford City itself.
During my life here I have lived in virtually every type of area the district has to offer, from the more rural areas like Denholme, Ilkley, Baildon & Queensbury, to Bingley, Keighley & Girlington, and everywhere I have lived has only enriched me, and my family, giving us better understanding of our fellow Bradfordians and the district.
Of course we also have the home of the Bronte Sisters in the district too, Howarth, which has long be the destination for tourists and fans of Wuthering Heights and their other classics travelling there from all over the world.
Sure, Bradford has its issues, like all towns and cities around the world do, and it has sat in the shadow of it's closest city, Leeds for decades. Leeds has seen hundreds of millions of pounds of private and government investment over the past thirty or forty years, and Bradford hasn't. It hasn't been a desirable place to live, work or invest in for long time.
But it used to be. At one point in the 1800's it was one of the wealthiest places in the world, let alone the UK. It was the centre for wool production, and thrived for decades off the back of this.
When you look around the city today, you can still see the impact of that, over a century later. The most obvious visual clue is in our architecture; take our Waterstones, in the old wool exchange, it is probably the most beautiful book shop in the world!
Listers Mill, one of the largest mills in the world at the time, and now a mix of residential and retail.
Or even our Iconic City Hall, which as well as being in the heart of the city, is also a commonly used set in film and TV, including featuring in the likes of Peaky Blinders.
But the architecture is just one aspect of the bygone days of the wool industry in the City.
One of the things I love most about my city is it's diverse cultures and communities. The term diversity, in recent years, has become used more from an individuality perspective (and occasionally for negative connotations), but in Bradford, our communities have been rich in their cultural diversities and experiences for such a long time. With the Wool (and other manufacturing industries) crying out for workers after the 2nd World War, Bradford had people from all over the world moving here to meet those requirements, and our city was massively enriched for it ever since.
Of course, diversity in cultures, religion and general beliefs can cause challenges, and we saw that with the riots in 2001, which stemmed from ignorance, racism and communities feeling neglected.
But the people of Bradford have spent the past twenty plus years putting those events behind us, working with all the communities in the city to generate better communication and understanding, and most importantly to know that as a joined up City we will all thrive far more than a divided one.
Bradford BID (Business Improvement District) has been one of those big catalysts for change. Now in its 2nd Five Year Term, the BID was pulled together by local businesses who wanted to make a change in the City. Together, working with city centre businesses and the local Authority, it has made not just a visual change to the city centre (deep street cleaning, hanging baskets and such); but also brought visitors in their hundreds of thousands to the City and wider district for events throughout the year and started to restore pride in the City Centre, and make it a destination to visit again.
And I would be completely remiss to not talk about two incredible organisations, made up of Bradford Businesses wanting to improve the City, both of which I am proud to be part of. Bradford Chamber of Commerce (which I have the privilege of being President of for 2023-2025) and Bradford Breakthrough. Both were heavily involved in the successful City of Culture BID, and the lobbying of the Government for the new through Railway Line & Station and the update and increased capacity for Bradford Forster Square as well as the current city centre transformation projects.
The Bradford Chamber also introduced the Bradford Manufacturing Week (BMW), which was so successful working with our young and introducing them the massively diverse careers in manufacturing, that it was brought up in Parliament by the Prime Minister.
Both those organisations have been working in the City for eons now (the Chamber for over 150 years), and continue to make a huge difference. Of course other cities have similar organisations, but the passion from the businesses involved in these, is like no other in the UK.
Of course, I cannot talk about my love of Bradford without talking about my equal love for it's football team, Bradford City
I have been going to matches at City since I was 7 years old, some of my favourite, and worst memories having been with this club. I was there with my brother on 11th May 1985, and we lost friends there; but that day cemented my relationship (I was 13 at the time) with the club, and it will be part of me forever. The highs and lows, Our time in the Premiership, Beating Chelsea in the FA Cup, Getting To the Final of the League Cup, Promotions, Relegations, Beating Arsenal, Loosing to Morecombe (and others) on a wet dark night. They have all embedded themself in me, and the club will always be my club, no matter how good or bad a season we have.
Looking at Bradford today, it is nearly unrecognisable in many aspects. It is now rated as one of the best places to start up a business in the UK; it has the fastest growing housing market in the UK; Ilkley (in Bradford) was voted Best Place to Live in the UK (2023); it is the UK City of Culture in 2025; investment in the City has never been higher, with new venues such as Bradford Live, Darley St Market, City Village about to become a reality after years of planning and construction. The thing is those, that is just the tip of what is going on, I have never seen more happening in the City than right now and 2025 and beyond are exciting times to be part of Bradford.
We also have one of the largest city centre transformations in the country happening right now, making our city centre a better place to work and LIVE and most of it will be complete this year (2024), not in ten years time, but this year.
Sure there are lots of road works and disruption whilst it is going on, but ask your average Bradfordian and they don't mind it at all, they want to see the change, and are fully behind it.
And it would be wrong of me to write this article and not include Bradford being chosen as the UK City Of Culture 2025. I had been involved (to a very limited degree) with the Bid for City of Culture since it was conceived and I always believed we had a great chance to win it, if we could show the judges and the world, the Bradford I know and love. Whilst, at the time of writing we are still just under eight months from the start of City of Culture 2025, there is so much going on in the City now in the build up to it, that it feels, to a degree, like it has already begun. The opportunities for Bradford are enormous, not only for 2025, but for the legacy it can create and we will not fail in delivering this I am certain.
The City, Its business and its people are so ready for this. We've earned it and we deserve it.
Really, this is just the beginning though, there are so many other things happening throughout the district at community, city and district level. Of course right now you cannot ignore the financial challenges at the local authority level, but so does pretty much every other major city in the UK. But we will overcome them through partnership between public and private sectors, and through our communities continuing to drive things forward.
Bradford has had an interesting Century, going from on of the Wealthiest Cities In The World, to, well, not. But Bradfordians are a tough bunch. We moan, and criticise our beloved City, but we don't sit on our backsides and wait for others to make things happen, we get up and get things done, and finally that is starting to pay dividends, and I am so excited to see where my Bradford will be in a Decade. What I know for certain, it will be a very different place to the Bradford of my youth.
So is that the reason I love Bradford, it's growth and where I see it in the future?
No, I Love Bradford for its People, they have shaped my life, my personality, even my tastebuds, and Bradford will always be in my heart, my blood and my soul.
If you give Bradford a chance, whether as a visitor, now, in 2025 or beyond, as a Business looking to move here, as a Investor or if you are looking to move to the City, you will not regret it, in fact you WILL regret it if you don't.
Very well said Mark! ??
Helping school leaders to achieve happy healthy schools by providing high-quality PE and Physical activity support. #PrimaryPE #pe #wellbeing #physicalactivty #happyschool
10 个月Love this and I'm proud to be from Bradford. We work with children across the region and love seeing the impact it has on the schools and community.
I help business owners free up their time and energy by taking care of their administrative tasks, allowing them to focus on what really matters, boost their productivity and spend more time with family and friends.
10 个月C'mon city!! ??
Director Pennine Cycles
10 个月Fabulous read ??????♂?
Head of Membership - West & North Yorkshire Chamber
10 个月Well said Mark!