Why I Love Being Introverted
From time to time, I am jealous of my extroverted friends. Their ability to be the life of the party or start a conversation with anyone is amazing. However, it is uniquely special being an introvert. This list is my personal reasons for loving to be an introvert.
1) It’s Cheaper
The obvious example is not wanting to socialize as much so I don’t spend as much on food, alcohol or activities. I personally appreciate when a friend has tag me as the stay-in and chill partner. They begin to understand your introversion makes you a great listener and that works better at home rather than a loud restaurant or bar.
2) People Trust You
I believe introverts enjoy juicy gossip as much as the next person but when someone trusts us we keep secrets under wraps. Also, when meeting with other people, we aren’t trying to fill awkward silence with our every thought.
3) You Friends Are Great
When social time is a drain on your energy tank, you tend to be selective on whom it gets used on. This means ample time is taken to fully understand a person. It doesn’t mean your friends are the greatest people in the world. You just know they are as invested as you are.
4) Your Opinion is Valued
By not speaking a lot, your opinions are usually correct. People begin to notice and listen when you talk. Also, people are surprised to hear your voice. You seem to always be right because we only speak when every idea has been properly vetted.
5) Less Drama
You spend less time with other people, thus there is less opportunity for personality conflicts. It can be good to learn conflict resolution but why learn any more about this then you need to. My personal time is for enjoying the people I am around.
6) Low Stimulation
Research shows introverts less likely become addicted to drugs or alcohol. Whither these results are true or not could be up for debate but there is at least a cornel of logic in the them. The stimulation for introverts is low. This fact is why parties or concerts can be so overwhelming. But it also means lower stimulation events provide a significant amount of joy. Think sunsets or a favorite song.
7) Focused and Engaged Conversations
Introverts are appalled by small talk. We appreciate deep and meaningful. This means we will rarely speak on subjects we do not understand just to hear are own voice. And when we speak passionately on subjects with a thorough knowledge.
8) Rarely Alone in Solitude
There is a difference between solitude and loneliness. Loneliness is having feelings of isolation, emptiness and desire for attention from others. While solitude is a constructive state of engagement with oneself used for inner reflection. In observations, extroverts have shown difficulty in gaining the benefits of the difference. Solitude is forever linked to loneliness.
9) Introverted Intuition
This one have just begun learning about and have an observation basis towards. My Myers-Briggs is INTJ. One of the two types, in the sixteen personality types, to have this dynamic. It is part of the Perceiving function where the brain subconsciously thinks about ideas after receiving all the data and then will, at random, spit out the idea to the conscious mind. It is a constant stream of AHA ideas. Introverted Intuitiers can literally sleep on an idea to find the answer.
10) You Can Surprise Family
Like all these reasons, this one is a double edge sword. I love my family dearly but not the most consistent at showing for gatherings. I live a few hours away and it becomes my fall back for not attending. However, when I do attend, everyone is over the moon to see me. It reminds me how much they all love me.