Why I Left the Corporate World to Find Myself

Why I Left the Corporate World to Find Myself

I’ve written about recently leaving my decade-long career in marketing and communications before, but this is my “coming-out” blog to share exactly what’s next for me. What IS for me, right now. 

But first, I have to just be honest about something. 

When I think about my corporate days, I have a pang of guilt that comes up for me. Not because I was stealing office supplies or anything like that (C’MON, who doesn’t benefit from the endless supply of post-it notes?), but because I never really showed up as my authentic self. 

Truly, I didn’t even know who my authentic self WAS - but I knew she wasn’t this angry, stressed-out-of-her-eyeballs, paranoid, and depleted woman who was lost in her own head 99.9% of the time. So, I just waited around for the promotion to make me happy. Or the project to make me more excited. Or my boss to validate me. Or maybe if I tried this new, different job…Can you relate? 

Consequently, I did what any confused and stuck millennial does. I became a LIFE COACH! 

It probably would’ve just been cheaper to work with a life coach, eh? ;-) (In fact, it is MUCH cheaper and I did do this as well.) All jokes aside, the jobs were never going to make me happy because I didn’t even want happiness. 

I wanted ME. 

So, I went on a journey to save myself from myself. As it turns out, it’s cost me (A LOT!) more than all the self-help books, therapy sessions, live conferences, and inspirational notebooks I’ve ever purchased combined…but it’s been worth it. And the results are genuinely priceless. 

Oh, wait - sorry - why didn’t those OTHER things work, you ask? I think it’s as simple as this: They weren’t sticky enough. Sure, they inspired me in the moment, but they weren’t able to transcend every layer of the “Sasha onion” to really turn this stinky, acrid vegetable into something palatable.

I needed more than inspiration - I needed to change my thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and habits. 

For me, this transformation legitimately became possible through my experiences of working with a coach and becoming a coach. I studied under the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), which is one of the select programs accredited through the International Coach Federation (i.e., there’s no “certification overnight” B.S. you smell so often these days).

Back to the results. I’ve gained a much higher awareness of not only who I am and how I perceive myself, but how I perceive the world AND how I perceive myself in the world. 

You got that, right? Here it is again, and don’t miss it this time. 

I’ve become more conscious. And I’ve learned how to coach others to consciousness, which, according to iPEC, is your awareness of who you REALLY are, as opposed to the “you” you believe you are, or were taught to be. 

Tapping into and getting profoundly intimate with your consciousness enables you to not only understand yourself (it’s not just some personality test, OK?), but provides you with options. The second greatest take-away from this program and my experience is now having the knowing that I absolutely, without a doubt, DO have choices. 

Choices in how I show up for myself. Choices in how I show up for others. Choices in how I manage my energy. Choices in how I judge, or don’t judge, my perception and the perceptions of others. THIS is consciousness, my friends, and this is the Core Energy Coaching? process I’ve learned. 


So as it turns out, I never wanted the job. The promotion. The salary (although, yes, I do miss a paycheck, but that’s coming soon enough). The validation from a bunch of execs. The corporate climb. 

Because that’s not ME. But the “world” told me that’s who I needed to be to be successful. That’s who I needed to be to be loved. That’s who I needed to be to worthy. Eventually, I believed the world, and then those became the lies I told myself every day.

Now, I am on a mission to help other individuals uncover their personal power, step into and heal their authentic selves, and create a life overflowing of their wildest potential and limitless joy. 

It’s not to say I won’t ever go back to the corporate world. In fact, I am considering using my new “powers” to do that very thing. Yet, I am going to show up differently. I’ll show up as me - and that is finally enough

On my website, I share this message with the world via helping folks kick their perfectionist, control freak, and self-doubting habits so that they can thrive at work and at home with less stress and more joy. Go check it out, and read more about my story, if you’d like.

But don’t wait for inspiration to come. Take action!

I ask you support to me - because I am supporting YOU. On your journey, wherever you are.

I ask you to support me by asking yourself, would we be a good fit to work together, or do you have a friend or colleague in mind that would benefit from higher consciousness?

I ask you to support me by asking yourself, will you choose to be the EFFECT of your life, or will you choose to be the CAUSE?

Leslie Adams, SPHR

Human Resources Leader

6 年

Congratulations, Sasha!? I am so very happy for you!!!

Way to go Sasha. Very exciting.


