Why I Have ceased participating in Online Surveys for Library M.Phil and PhD Scholars in Pakistan
Nooruddin Merchant
Founding Staff Habib University | Academic Librarian | Helping organizations to create strengths based programs | MBA MIS, MA EPM, MA LISc | Positive Psychology & Appreciative Leadership
As a dedicated professional librarian working within the academic realm, I have encountered numerous opportunities to engage with online survey questionnaires intended for completion of M.Phil and PhD degrees by Library Science scholars in Pakistan. However, despite the potential benefits of contributing to research endeavors within the field, I have found myself increasingly hesitant to partake in such activities. In this post, I aim to elucidate the primary reasons behind my decision to abstain from filling out these surveys, shedding light on the challenges and limitations that have led me to this conclusion.
In the past year after filling the form, I used to request the scholar to share with me the findings of the questionnaire, however, this a plea which is still unaddressed.
In conclusion, while the opportunity to contribute to the scholarly discourse through online survey questionnaires may be seen and accepted as a commendable practice, a myriad of challenges and shortcomings have impelled me to exercise caution in my involvement. As a conscientious librarian committed to upholding the standards of my profession, I believe that it is imperative to advocate for the enhancement of survey design practices and the incorporation of feedback mechanisms to address the concerns raised in this discourse.