Why I hate the word "close"
So my friend and personal branding coach David Goldstein doesn’t like the popular sales term "close."
As in, "I just closed another client."
As Dave would tell you, he views it as morally "off."
It's kind of predatory. Like your sole aim was to get their money instead of, I don't know, actually HELPING them.
And I agree with Dave.
But I have additional reasons for not liking the word "close" (on top of the fact that it's ethically questionable).
And that is…
It's bad positioning.
Think about it.
When you try to "close" someone, you're basically saying that a). you're trying to get their money, and b). you're going to smooth-talk them into giving it to you.
So it implies that you're trying to GET something from them.
In other words: it implies neediness.
Which sets the relationship off on the wrong foot from the get-go.
Me? I prefer to flip the script.
Rather than going around trying to "CLOSE!!!" clients…
I actively TURN DOWN client work.
I *don't want* to work with most clients, and I turn down 99% of work invitations that come my way.
Because I'm already working with a couple long-term "dream clients" and I'm not actively looking for more.
And when I'm not doing work for them, I prefer to work on my OWN business, rather than take on new client work.
So rather than going around trying to "close" clients like most needy salespeople do…
I'm actively trying to AVOID them.
Which, ironically, seems to have the opposite effect…
When people hear that I actually *don't want* their business, they seem to chase even more.
Since it's refreshing to work with one of the rare few people who isn't walking around with a giant "NEEDY" sign taped to his forehead.
(Unlike the army of frothing-at-the-mouth, desperate salespeople out there.)
So I have to agree with Dave.
Trying to "close" clients (instead of "help" them) isn't just ethically questionable…
It's also needy.
And from a positioning standpoint, it's extremely dumb, to boot!
So do what you will with this.
But if I were you, I'd stop talking about "closing" clients, and instead talk about "helping" them and "giving" them the opportunity to work with you.
But that's just me. You whatever you wanna do.
-Beau D. Schultz