Why I HATE the phrase.."It is what it is!!"?

Why I HATE the phrase.."It is what it is!!"

A more and more commonly used phrase that initially I admit I used in the past;

"It is what it is....!!"

During these tough economic times we have been flooded with people saying;

"...don't stress over things you can't control......everything will work itself out...focus on what you can control, forget the rest...."

Whilst I agree with the sentiment that some things are out of our control, more and more people are using these phrases as excuses for not working hard or more importantly SMART enough.....thinking that someone high in the sky is going to wave their magic wand and everything will suddenly be ok. These phrases are becoming more and more toxic as our rollercoaster of an existence drains us mentally, the constant surges in adrenaline, due to fear mongering, create excessive emotional highs and consequent crashes.

There has to be a greater realisation that.....there is no substitute for hard work but I ask you...

What does hard work mean to you?

Is it longer hours, is it day upon day of turning up and trying to re-invent the wheel?

What we must step back and realise is, there are some MASSIVE success stories of people profiting from this crisis, maybe not just in terms of massive cash flow, but maybe in streamlining operations, maybe more delegation of tasks, maybe more time forced at home and connecting with family. Where I am getting to, is that out there, there are people who have learned to do things better, faster, smarter, more efficiently, more profitably.....

So if this ^^^^ isn't you, then maybe it's time to reach out, ask for help, boost your network, find the person who can help you. Be it a mentor, a mate, a stranger.....there are people out there who CAN and WILL help you and believe it or not.......some will give you advice for free....like me!!

I have been through the emotional mangle with COVID. Thought about giving up and folding business, thought about moving, hiding.....but I am lucky to have an amazing network of people who love coffee (or gin) and a good chat. People who can share, people who care, people who like to see other people succeed in life.

So don't think "life will just sort itself out", don't "trust the process" and please don't think

"It is what it is....."

....if you are struggling as a business owner....then REACH OUT (who's honestly singling the Four Tops now?)

If it's not me, then find someone else, and if it is me and I don't know the answer then I probably know someone else who does.

Don't, please don't slip into the toxic mindset of "it is what it is" because it doesn't have to be...chances are someone else has been there, done it and succeeded....so go find them, network you ass off, put your hand up, be vulnerable and remember...

We learn one of two ways....
1.trial and error and
2. being taught

Isn't it time you became the student again? Wasn't school the time you had zero worries, loads of friends and you learnt how to get as far as you have already come.....become the student, start learning from those who actually may have your answer...;)

Stay strong business owners....you are a rare, gutsy and talented breed.

Gavin Bannon

Client Relationship Manager in Recruitment

1 年

Great article



Matt Wood BA(Hons) Dip.CrimPsych的更多文章

