Why I will not get the Covid vaccine

Why I will not get the Covid vaccine

I never thought that one day I would write this kind of article. I’m not a doctor and I never really felt interested in health (or more correctly sick) care, vaccines or drugs. I took the time to write it for two reasons: On one hand I really feel tired answering the same question again and again: “Why don’t you want to get the Covid vaccine?”. ?On the other hand I just realized how misinformed my friends and family and people in general are. To be 100% clear, this article is not about me saying that the vaccine is good or bad, if you should get it or not, it is just to express my arguments on why my personal choice is not to get it. Everybody should be able to make his personal decision using unbiased information and I’m trying to bring as much as I can. My arguments are certainly biased, but it is the best I could come with.

I trust my body

  • The first and most fundamental point is that I fully trust my immune system to defend my body against the virus. As humans we have been confronted to innumerable deadly viruses and bacteria during thousands of years and our body have evolved to recognize them and kill them before they kill us. Of course, I also understand and accept that my immune system can improve or degrade according to how I treat my body. Therefore, it’s been several years that I made important changes to my diet and along with regular exercise I don’t even remember when I got sick for the last time.?I’m 55 and fully conscious that I’m not as robust as when I was 20, but I don’t have any of the pathologies (diabetes, immune deficiencies, etc) that several studies recognize as strong factors to develop a bad response to the virus and a possible hospitalization.
  • The latest study from Israel shows that non-vaccinated people that had a previous Covid infection were 13 times less likely to be reinfected, develop symptoms or become hospitalized from the last Delta strain than people that had their 2 jabs of Pfizer vaccine. Israel was one of the first country to perform mass vaccination of its population, so it is a perfect camp for studies.
  • In Spain, in the US and several countries more, if you got infected from Covid and naturally recovered, the government still recommends (in the best case) or mandate you (worst case) to get at least one jab of the vaccine. With the last studies in hands this recommendation or mandate should be reversed and explained to the population. Natural immunity is much better than induced one, and I was so sick meeting people who passed the infection without any symptomology telling me that they still had one jab of vaccine…

I don’t trust big pharma

  • I’m not against vaccines, and I have in my body all the regular vaccines that any other European citizen has. I just fully distrust the process that have been followed to design, approve and distribute any of the Covid vaccines. The mRNA technique had never previously been tested on humans on such a scale and I encourage anybody to listen to its original inventor (Dr Robert Malone) in this interview about the technology, how it was used to develop the Covid vaccine and the deficiencies in the clinical studies that were performed by the vaccine providers. You quickly conclude that a lot of things do not seem right and that the rush to come with a vaccine did override the formal process that should have been followed. Of course, everybody will tell you that the Covid vaccine benefits (saving lives) largely override its potential drawbacks. I just don’t agree. We just see short term benefits and we don’t know the real long-term effects. Anyway, it’s everybody’s choice and I fully respect people that feel safer with it rather than without it whenever the government leaves you with the freedom of choice. I ask vaccinated people the same respect towards non vaccinated people.
  • Ask yourself this simple question: “Why is the vaccine the only recommended drug to prevent Covid infection and potential death of people?” I was struck to listen how around the world lots of doctors were just prevented to try to treat the disease apart from providing oxygen and basic lifesaving care to dying patients. I know that the subject is very controversial but several studies report that in poor countries like Mexico, India and Perú, government who cannot afford to pay for vaccines or had to wait longer for getting them just tried with something else to prevent their health care system from being overwhelmed. Ivermectin for example was sent to positive Covid patients to see if it could reduce the probability for them to end up hospitalized. No formal clinical study was made but the case study in Mexico shows 50% to 80% less hospitalization for patients that received Ivermectin against the one that didn′t. Guess what, even after showing that this cheap drug could possibly prevent a lot of people from becoming real sick, the OMS prevented those countries to follow with their experiments and the mainstream media attacked the Ivermectin treatment as fake stating that the experiments were not backed by formal clinical trials. All of this is true, but the other truth is that no big pharma company is interested in seeing an already invented and cheap treatment being potentially a threat to their big business. To be clear, I am certainly not recommending anyone to take Ivermectin for treating Covid but I'd rather see some real studies being started.

I don’t feel bad about my choice

Ever listen to: “If you don’t get the vaccine you are a bad citizen, you don’t care about the others (especially the most vulnerables) and even if you don’t get sick yourself you can infect the others”? This is the message that governments and authorities want you to listen, digest and repeat to increase vaccination rates. They want you to feel bad about not being vaccinated and as such persuade you to follow the horde. ?I always followed the rules when I thought they were sound to prevent infection (wear mask, wash hands, stay at home when mandated, etc) but I don’t accept being treated as a bad guy for not willing to take the shot:

  • New Covid Strains like the Delta variant can infect vaccinated people and the virus load can be as high in their body as with unvaccinated people. Are vaccinated people discriminated for potentially being disseminating the Virus? No, they are not. They have their health passport and can do “normal life” while unvaccinated people are just discriminated.
  • The only certainty in life is death. I will live until a drunken driver smashes me, or get infected with some virus or bacteria that will kill me or my body gets too old and my cells just want to sing “that’s all folks”. That’s life, and even if it scares you it is real.
  • My willingness to understand a little more about the virus, the infection process, symptoms, morbidity factors, etc, made me read and listen a lot. Living without a Radio and a TV I’m pretty immune to mainstream media propaganda. The more you dive in it, the more you see that there is way more than what you are being told every day. They want you to get the shot and that’s why they make you feel so bad if you don’t take it. Just see next point to understand why I’m so suspicious about authorities knowing what they are really doing.

Authorities and health care professionals didn’t know what they were doing and mostly still don’t

As bold as it sounds, I can give you plenty of examples from Spain where I live and from what I read things are not better in other countries:

  • Were authorities prepared for this outbreak? Not at all, even if this funny guy whose job is state epidemiologist kept telling you at the beginning that everything was under control until it wasn’t. Then all we needed was to flatten the curve until it also proved to be wrong, I have lost count of how many infection waves we went through and the ones that are to come.
  • Did authorities started to protect the elderly because they knew that they were the most affected? No, the virus just rushed into all elderly residence and killed almost everybody.
  • Should we go on full lockdown, town lockdown, curfew, wear a mask, disinfect every surface, meet only with few people, close borders? Nobody knew and policies changed every day. No local government or country was applying common rules. The department in charge in Catalunya seemed to follow strange rules to establish anti-covid public policies.
  • The initial fight between countries to get their hand on vaccines derived in strange health policies: people that got the first jab with AstraZeneca were told to get the second jab with Pfizer (no more AstraZeneca in stock) or to sign a discharge for any possible liabilities. Have you ever signed a discharge before getting a vaccine? In my specific case, never. Think also of mixing 2 different vaccines without clear studies of the possible secondary effects. That doesn’t seem to be a good idea but it is was what the health authorities were recommending.
  • Now that you’ve got your 2 jabs, this is not enough. Authorities and Big Pharma are now pushing the booster shots. If you understand the benefits of recurrent revenue streams versus one time you will clearly see what’s coming. The disease will become endemic with the appearance of new strains every year and Big Pharma will make huge benefits selling their booster of booster of booster shots every year.
  • And the list goes on and on. So next time you listen to the authorities try to think out of the box and put the message under a critical examination.

We don’t have enough experience with the vaccines to declare that they are safe for all population groups

  • One year of past experience doesn’t seem to be a lot to declare that the vaccine is safe and to start vaccination with population groups that were never included in the initial clinical trials of the vaccine. I mainly think of children which are now the target of mass vaccination in several countries. Incidence of the virus is still very low on children (even with the last strains) and there is no real justification to push vaccination when we know that natural immune response is much better.
  • We know that those vaccines can produce severe secondary effects for some patients and even death. Several doctors clearly declared that death rates caused by the vaccines are much higher than what any secondary effects from a drug should be allowed to produce. If that was the normal drug, it would have been removed from the market. But because we are at “war with the virus” collateral damages don’t matter.

Governments got the perfect excuse to go full authoritarian

At the beginning of the pandemic, lockdowns were mandated in almost all countries in the world. With this perfect excuse in hand, governments did what they always do, go more authoritarian and remove your freedom. Winston Churchill famously said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste”, and we are slowly but surely slipping into George Orwell 1984 novel dystopian world:

  • Remember September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York? The “War on Terror” mandated by G. Bush gave the US government full power to invade Afghanistan, spy on everybody, capture and torture suspects without any supervision from any counter power. Even if the events are more than 20 years old and US is finally out of Afghanistan, all surveillance activities are still in place and growing. If you give away your freedom to governments, you will never get it back without a revolution.
  • With this new “War on the virus”, without any strong scientific arguments, governments are removing more and more freedom from us. From poor and illogical policies to direct mandates, we are just puppets for that they call the “greater good” show. Recently in the US, the supposedly freedom country by itself, democrat president Joe Biden mandated vaccines for all federal workers and all companies of more than 100 employees. In France, you cannot board public transportation, eat in a restaurant or go to the movies if you don’t have the infamous “health passport”. This is clearly the first step to the dystopian future that awaits us with social credit score for every citizen. With the future launch of CBDC (central bank digital currency), all your money could be directly manipulated by the government which could block you from buying goods and services or even delete your own funds if your social score is poor. A simple example would be: if you are not vaccinated then your digital currency can′t be spend in restaurants, public transportation, theaters and so on. So easy and so scary at the same time.
  • Hopefully more and more people will be aware of this enormous manipulation scheme that is strongly developing during the Covid pandemic. Governments just manipulate people’s feeling (fear, shame, etc) to push their own agenda and take advantage of urgency to establish dictatorship mandates that won’t be easily reversed.
  • This can potentially be my final argument to why I will not get the shot. I’m just willing to fight those unfair and illogical policies that governments have put on us. I’m still optimistic when I see that Spain doesn’t have vaccine mandates and that around the world people are fighting for their personal rights. “My body, my choice” is one of the strongest arguments that I personally agree with.

To conclude, I just want to say that I don’t want to hide behind a mask for the rest of my life and I don’t want my kids to live this way. I will keep using it whenever there is real health reason for it. People are now getting so used to the mask that even if it is not mandatory anymore in the street, they still put it on any occasion as if it was part of their dressing. This is terrible and shows you how bad habits can last forever. It will take years after the pandemic before people get rid of this.

There are so many other arguments that could be added to the list, I just hope I made my point. As I pointed out at the beginning, the purpose is not to convince anyone to accept or refuse the vaccine but to be aware that much more is at stake than what governments and health authorities would like you to believe. Stay healthy (which is pretty different from safe), watch and defend your future and the future of your kids!

Ricard Fuertes

Transformative IS leader, passionate about team building, overcoming challenges and problem solving. Doer of deeds.

3 年

Can't say I agree with some of the points you make. You know who would have agreed, though? Jorge Lis. https://elpais.com/sociedad/2021-09-08/muere-por-covid-el-expiloto-antivacunas-jorge-lis.html Imho, ignoring the experts comes at a risk. I'm not an expert in epidemiology. People like Chris Whitty or Anthony Faucci are. So when public health officers who are experts in the field tell me to get the vaccine, I listen to them. Why would we as a society train and grow experts to then ignore them? I hear your point, but individual liberties need to strike a balance with public health. Negative consequences of not high enough vaccine rates are, amongst others, new variants appearing that could be potentially worse. Your decision doesn't come consequence-free, and doesn't impact just you. Why should I stand idly and accept a personal decision that has an impact on my health and that of my co-workers? I do share concerns around this particular vaccine's hurried creation, compared to normal life cycle. But again, I trust that the experts who made them (and the ones that approved them) know their stuff more than I do. Anyway, best of luck and stay safe!


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