Why I Fired My Doctor
Have you ever had to fire someone? I have, but in this case, it was my doctor. And it wasn’t because he was incompetent or didn’t know what he was doing, it’s that he had become overwhelmingly negative.
See, I had decided to treat thyroid cancer that I was diagnosed with naturally, and I wanted him to monitor that process and he agreed, but I think it was because he thought I was going to come over to his recommendations eventually. And when that didn’t happen, he would take every visit as an opportunity to discourage me. And so with each visit, it got worse until one day I just left feeling defeated and overwhelmingly sad. And that’s when it dawned on me, I don’t have to go to him.
I can fire him and find another doctor, and that’s exactly what I did.
So I said, he works for me so I’m not going to pay to be discouraged every few months because I’m not following a process that he wants. So I found another doctor who agreed to monitor this progress without the negativity, even though they didn’t agree with what I was doing, but it was then that I decided that I’m in control. I’m taking charge of my life, I’m taking charge of this process and I’m going to get the results that I want, and it worked.