Dear algorithm, please stop telling me something about my feelings...
Sarah Yvonne Elsser
?? TECH WELL TOLD - die Nerd Dolmetscher. Wir machen Geek-Themen sexy ????
The last days, I saw in so many feeds “These are your 9 most successful posts in 2018”. I actually think there's an app for that. Honestly?? You let an algorithm decide which moments were the BEST in the year 2018? Based on... Likes... Interaction... shares... You know what? What the algorithm can't scale is your FEELINGS. It's just you who can say if that moment is just a "Hashtag-Filter-Yay-Moment" or a moment of true happiness.
So I don’t need any algorithm to tell me which are the 9 “best” moments in my year 2018. I have a heart. I have a soul. And I have so many great memories in them, that I will carry with me. I put at least 9 (well alright, I have to admit for the 1:1 format it’s quiet logical to choose 9 pictures… ?? ) awesome experiences in this picture, which show me again: I can be soooo grateful, about my life, all the awesome people around me and all the exciting moments I can experience because of my job. And I truly am. Big thanks to all of you who made this year special… damn guys, you’re awesome! <3
I wish you all the best for 2019 – especially happiness. Don’t give a damn about what data tells you, just listen to your heart!
Happy moment pictures:
- Hosting the startup-night of Volkswagen: so many great und inspiring people with passion!
- Hosting the LAST (omg, can’t even believe it right now) CeBIT for Volkswagen, on stage in a panel discussion with google (still a heart beating moment when I look at it)
- Hosting my first award show for Axel Springer and the AutoBild Group – that was so much fun, I really love all those crazy people in my sector
- Giving a C-Level-Training for Telekom about communication for leaders in times of digitization and cultural change
- Doing my first BLOGSTORY with an outstanding team – thanks to Bernd Maylaender for being part of it (and big thanks to my Team of Benjamin Jurick, Horst Zwipp and my whole awen team)! You can watch the whole DTM Mercedes Story on
- Hosting the finale of Germanys next Topmoder for Opel – it was really fun and my little “Fashion Beauty Lifestyle” moment in 2018 ??
- One of the biggest and happiest moments for me in 2018: founding my own company with my outstanding and talented business partner Hagen Stoll. Can`t wait to rock 2019 with you! ?? ( )
- The second big moment: giving my first keynote about “Communication for Innovation” at Mercedes Benz – hope there will be a lot of more jobs like this in 2019
- hosting a panel discussion for Porsche on Sylt about “Design” – so many great people and fun moments… and… yeeeeeeees… damn cool cars! ??
So if you need any last minute good resolutions, take that one: don't just look at these algorithm and like measured data. Look at your own heart. Your feelings. Create your own algorithm which has the parameters of happiness, self-fulfillment and... you know what? Who am I to tell you that one... just decide on your own, what's important to you!