Why I don't like foam roofs
See that photo above? Not a pretty sight it is it. The damage destroyed the decking, and most of the wood frame. That plastic on the back of the dry wall was the only thing that kept that water from destroying the owners ceiling.
This was a foamed roof, the standard once inch of foam. Coated with an elastomeric roof coating. Very popular in Arizona.
Here is the problem, if the coating is not thick enough. Or has worn down enough, water WILL get through the foam and slowly destroy your home. that's why I don't care much for it.
You can see in this photo how much of the decking I ended up replacing on this home. TOO MUCH !
If you have a foam roof, consider having it restored using emulsion, fabric and coating. Or by applying a 100% silicone roof coating.
I don't mean to scare you, but this is not the only home I have worked on with this problem.
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