Why you should always know why you do what you do.
Dan S?dergren
Inspirational keynote speaker / trainer and author about #AI, #Technology and the #futureofwork. Hire Dan as your inspirational #keynotespeaker for your next event, conference or training day.
Someone, a couple of days ago, asked me " Why do you - do what you do?"
My response was around the idea that we:
"Should all the be the change we want to see in the world."
But that didn't get the to engine behind it i.e. what the drive of the idea is.
Why should we all be the change. What's the power behind that force.
Thankfully Seth Godin sums up my thoughts on this, perfectly, in his blog piece
"It's never enough"
It's not enough. There are more people, better off, with more freedom, more agency and more power than at any other time in our history.
That's not enough.
As we use technology and culture to create more health. More access and more dignity for more people. We keep reminding ourselves how inadequate it is in the face of the injustice and pain that remains.
That's how we get better.
We must focus on the less fortunate and the oppressed not because the world isn't getting better but because it is.
It's our attention to those on the fringes that causes the world to get better.
We should all do better as the world is getting better.
No matter what the world looks like on social media (or even worse in the newspapers)
Believe me - the world is better than it was. En-masse it is.
And with our help - it will get even better and better.
It's kinda why I am working with UTC. The next generation might be the very people that we need to include / inspire in the changing world we are creating.