Why I Crushed My Ego

Why I Crushed My Ego

Are you a salesperson/coach/consultant who believes "I am successful because of what I know and what I have done"?

Does this mindset lead you to constantly seek out educational and personal development content? 

Because you're afraid that not having all the information will cause you to stagnate?

If you're thinking along those lines, my friend: You have a God complex.

I'll be blunt: 

You're NOT being held back because you don't have all the hottest, freshest tools, tips, and strategies. 

You're NOT being held back because you're missing some crucial insight from the world's top business/personal development expert. 

I'll tell you what's really holding you back: It's your ego. 

It's the belief that you always need to be the best, always need to be right.

I myself was committed to maintaining the facade of an expert for a long time.

But, these days, I know I don't need to be the top salesperson in my office. I know I don't need to prove that I'm number one. 

In fact, that kind of thinking will only RESTRICT the opportunities for growth in my business and in my personal life.

In other words, I've come to realise that other people's insights and expertise aren't a threat to my own worth or success. 

In fact, if I can help people in my team to grow and even exceed my skills in a particular area, then the success belongs to all of us! 

Our opportunities and accomplishments are multiplied by orders of magnitude!

I hope my learnings will help you open yourself up to the wonderful growth and opportunities afforded by freeing yourself from your self-imposed God complex.


