Why I Created Competition For Myself (and how this will help your advisory business)
If you are wondering why there were so many "Ben Ongs"...there was a technical glitch on zoom

Why I Created Competition For Myself (and how this will help your advisory business)

Today's article is a little different.

Different in a way that I will reveal my true intentions for what I am doing (and about to do) that will benefit you and the people around you.

Once you understand where this is all coming from, I hope you will be inspired to do better for yourself, your loved ones and your clients.


About a week ago, I hosted a live event for Financial Advisors & Leaders.

We had about 100 signups.

80% showed up.

... and I did something that no one thought I would ever do.

I gave away one of my best work that took me nearly seven years to refine.

It's called the $500k Concept Presentation (because it earned me nearly half a million during my first two years as a student advisor).

The trainings, how to use it, the word-for-word script, even the different scenarios to modify the concept presentation...

I also revealed the Blue Ocean Strategy that I've been working on for the past 1.5 years that will change how this entire industry acquires their clients.

On top of that... they got direct access to our Mastermind event in June where we had 60+ advisors attending in - person.

The only way to gain access to these materials is only if you're part of our inner circle.

and I gave it away for free to those who attended live.

(If you are not one of those 80 folks... don't feel too bad about it. Stick around to the end and I will reveal the upcoming opportunities for you to learn for free)

Now, you might be wondering...

Why did I give away one of my best work?

Surely, there's a catch?

Great question.

I'd be surprised if you weren't even remotely skeptical about it.

My mentor used to tell me, "Ben, if you don't tell people why you do what you do, people will always assume the worst of you".

Skepticism and being cautious is certainly NOT a productive state for anyone consuming my materials and trainings.

By sharing my reasons, my goal is to lower the "danger" barrier down so that it doesn't take up additional bandwidth of yours when consuming my materials, thinking if there's catch all the time.

In essence, I want to create ease of consumption for you.

And that is through providing you peace of mind.

So, for THAT purpose, allow me to share the reasons.

There are three main reasons.

1. Creating A Real Transformation In People's Lives

Back in 2017, I started out as a fresh Financial Advisor while studying full - time as an accounting undergraduate.

It was tough.

The stigma.

The self doubts.

The anxiety of how others view me.

The stress of targets.

Worries of burning relationships with my warm market.

... and while I cleared my MDRT within 7 months (It was about $110,000 back then) at the age of 23..

I still had doubts whether would this be a sustainable career (Lucrative career doesn't mean much if you can sustain it).

... until my mum got hospitalised and I made a claim of about $27,000 from the hospital plan that I just got for her 5 months back.

Years later, the total claim made from just this hospital plan amount to nearly $50,000.

$50,000 that we would have needed to fork out if I didn't cover my mum with a hospital plan (she didn't had one at all and she was 57).

That was when I my conviction in financial planning shot up the roof.

The point of me relaying this story is simple:

Back to the MAIN reason.

My intention therefore to make these trainings and content FREE as possible for you to consume, learn and make this world a better place.

Beyond that, I aim to build a community.

A community where advisors from different countries, companies and agencies like yourself can ask questions, seek support and help..

and have others wanting to provide support, and giving back freely.

A rising tide lifts all boats.

That's a quote I truly believe in.

If another advisor does better, builds a better image and reputation, then it helps to remove the stigma and it increases the better image of the industry.

As it would logically follow, then this would mean that people will see YOU in a better light ==> therefore making it easier for you to make an impact.

IF you are thinking that that if another advisor learn about your "secrets" and "Strategy"...

and as a result, they earn more at YOUR EXPENSE. -- that is scarcity thinking.

There's more than enough to GO around? -- but that's a topic for another day.

This is also the reason why I've also introduced my peers to the FA industry.

There's a mindset coach that talks about driving forces and debunking limiting beliefs in the industry right now and I was the one that personally coached and mentored him in the initial phase.

Yes, I leave some money on the table.

If I can help you reach more people and impact more lives easily, I would have achieved one part of my goal, which is to create a transformation in the masses' lives through you.

and we both know when you can truly impact other people's lives, you will, by extension, reach your goals and attain yours in the process.

2. A Value-Driven Business Approach

If you've read the first reason and thinking to yourself, "Bullsh**",

then this reason would clear that thinking up.

Now, first of I would like to make it clear.

I am a PRACTICAL individual.

Way more practical than what people would think. (E.G. I tell people all the time to screw purpose and earn some money... THEN think of purpose after that. Not the other way round)

I believe in having money.

I love it.

It allows me to make a greater impact, and I am always grateful that I am given the opportunity to be a good steward of money.

To be able to allocate money to a greater cause.

So to be clear, I am not all "noble" nor "holy".

Here's the main "catch" if you will.

By providing value and giving valuable, quality trainings for free...

It is an avenue for us to build good will with you

... so that one day you would want to work with us closer through a paid opportunity to grow your advisory business further.

You see, while I do believe in giving "Free" and "Value" to everybody..

I also believe in PAYING FOR IT.


Because paying evokes commitment. There's something at stake for you.

You will automatically work harder for the things you want, and end up way more successful than without having stakes.

Likewise, you can't grow your money at a faster rate without investing money in the stock market. Or without some risks.

It's the way life works.

I personally invested $300k in coaching programs, consulting and 1-1 mentorships over the past 3.5 years...

And the VALUE you get from being in proximity, access and depth of insights is WAY HIGHER than just consuming free content (although that helps at the beginning too)

But above all, SPEED.

Our lives on this earth is limited.

I like to accomplish more in five years than what others take decades to do...

So that I can experience other areas and domains... and by extension, experience LIFE FULLY than others.

At the end of the day, there's going to be either one of two outcomes.

Either you will work with us, or you won't.

If you do choose to work with us, we will grow your business (and life) to the next level.

(Trainings and content is just one part of how we grow an advisors' business)

If you don't, then? just take the trainings and use it. implement it. and get results from it.... and if you do spread the word, I will appreciate that a ton and thank you in advance.

And just in case you are wondering what do we even do here...

Allow me to share our Company's Essential Intent.

At Authentic Advisory Systems, We Help Financial Advisors & Leaders To:

In our inner circle, we specifically help advisors go from $30,000 to $120,000 and beyond in First Year Income predictably every year

*(First Year Income = All compensation that arises because of the production Of First Year Commissions (FYC))

3. Practice What We Preach

Talk is cheap.

It's generally easy for people to talk and have no actions nor behaviours to back it up.

People can say that they are abundant but when the situation presents itself, they behave otherwise.

You can't say that you have that core value or a particular trait unless you are faced with the situation and you choose to behave otherwise.

For example, you can't say that you are loyal to your spouse until you are faced with the situation of being able to cheat without anyone finding out AND you still choose not to.

There are very clear values and beliefs that our business and company believes in AAS.

One of the beliefs we have is abundance and the law of the mirror (Also known as the Law Of Cause & Effect)

As an extension of what we believe, I would like to encourage and inspire you to be abundant in your ways of conducting business, helping out someone and just providing value for free without expectations.

... BUT if I want you to do that, I first need to do it.

I need to first set the example.

For if I don't do it, what rights or "authority" do I have to even ask you to do it?

You wouldn't even bother and just think this person is full of sh**.

This is a way for us to set the example, and to walk the talk.

Above all...

in this world of "coaching", "digital marketers and "gurus"... where people over-promise, under-deliver and emphasises on competition....

We aim to do otherwise.

We believe in:

  • Giving first before asking
  • Prioritising relationships before the business
  • Keeping promises in a world that breaks them
  • Collaboration over competition
  • Abundance over scarcity
  • Striving for greatness? (We do what we do because of who we are, not because we have to)
  • Authenticity (Being true to who we are)

And if you believe what we believe, this industry will develop into a greater space than it currently is.

To end this memo off because it's getting a little lengthy...

If you want to learn more and allow me to grow your advisory business for FREE...

Here are two resources that you can look at:

Keep a lookout.

Be inspired.

And continue to do the great work that you do.

This world is better off because of you.

Your Biggest Believer,

Ben "Make this industry a better place" Ong

P.S. If you found this article helpful in any way, do spread the word by sending this link to your colleagues to join our FREE community by paying it forward. It would mean the world to me.

>> https://www.skool.com/2xychomeforadvisors


