This is why I coach new paddlers...
...even those who never plan to venture far from shore in their sea kayaks.
Covering more water I hadn't yet paddled in the Sound yesterday. Part of my goal of cover as much of each passage and coastline as possible.
On paper this was an easy paddle, even for a beginner. Reality required understanding wind and how it affects water, and some solid boat handing skills. Not having an understanding of these could - likely would - have led to a dangerous situation.
Into open water
We left Everett, out around Jetty Island to circumnavigate Gedney (Hat) Island. Getting there required a roughly 3 nm open water crossing of Possession Sound. All wind predictions showed 5-7 knots sustained and 10 knot gusts. That normally would make for an easy crossing, well within a relative beginner's comfort level.
But the winds were from the south/southwest. At the mid-point of the crossing, there'd be roughly 23 nm of open water between us and land. That long fetch generated wipe caps and 3-4 foot beam seas.
Learn and continue to learn, rough water skills, not because you plan to paddle in conditions, but to know when and where it's safe to go...and to handle them if they arise when out for the day.
If you are interested in learning the art of sea kayaking, please reach out.
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