23-06-2016: Whatever the results in today's Referendum, all the bother would have been a worthwhile experience. After considering the facts, residents of the UK should now know how the EU work, what power they exercise over them, even though unelected, and how unaccountable they are. Consequently, however they decide to vote, and for whatever reasons of their own, they are not victims. They have made their choice freely and with their eyes open. Maybe that is the most one can expect from all this.
Those who voted to go in in 1975 never intended ending up with what we have now...
Published:?16 June, 2016 (Camden New Journal)
? IN the 1600s, my ancestors emigrated from France to colonise Canada. Consequently, I have always felt European, whether I lived in my native province of Quebec, or subsequently British Columbia, Los Angeles, or London. I would, therefore, be naturally inclined to choose EU as a preferred option.
My overwhelming concern is the lack of accountability from the EU. Those heading the EU have tremendous power over each and every person in the UK or indeed any of the citizens of the 28 countries they, so far, control. Yet we do not elect those at the top. A handful of people have the exclusive right to propose laws, they do not have to give an account of where the vast sums of money we hand over to them go; our say in any matter is minimal; and yet, the EU’s decisions are final and override our laws.
Voting for the EU, therefore, is the equivalent to signing an enduring power of attorney to people we don’t know, we have not chosen, who can do as they please and if we don’t like their actions or decisions, we have no legal recourse against them. How barmy is that?
Human nature being as it is, how long before someone starts imposing their sinister agenda on the rest of us? One does not have to look back very far to discover what happens when a small clique of people have the power to enforce their own rules and take advantage of their position. FIFA, for example, exercise enormous influence in international football. When such dominance exists, corruption can easily follow.
What is the first quality one looks for in any important relationship be it personal, a business partnership or any others? Integrity. Without integrity, a relationship is built on quicksand. It will lead to disaster in the long run.
Paul Bonny (Letters, June 9) outlines clearly the modus operandi of EU when he recounts the unfortunate experience of Maria Andreasen. Some years ago, this lady had been appointed to look after the EU accounts, which had not been approved. Indeed they still have not been approved after some 20 years! She alleged that the system was riddled with fraud. When she spoke out about it, Lord Kinnock fired her. If that is true, and I have no reason to disbelieve her account, then that is enough for any sensible person to stay well clear of such an organisation.
Remaining in the EU, the way it has developed politically and every other way would be far more worrying than voting Out and running our own affairs. Our government might not be perfect, but it is accountable to us.
In Canada, its citizens elect a prime minister. If one turns out to be crooked or unsatisfactory, then s/he is voted out. The same applies for the USA. Each citizen can vote for a president. Canada and the USA trade with each other without losing their power to control their laws. Why is the EU so different? Those who voted for the EEC in 1975 never intended to end up with what has developed over the years: a super-state with unlimited power and unaccountability.
I might one day vote to rejoin the EU, but only once it has a strong democratic and accountable alternative to propose. In the meantime, I fear for the other 27 countries, which have signed up to this quasi-Mafia outfit. How else would anyone fail to decipher the thinly disguised nasty threat from some of the top brass in the EU, should the UK dare to vote for Brexit?
Owner, Eurectec, Inc
8 年I believe the general problem runs much deeper than accountability. The EU facilitates mass migration. That creates massive changes in the status quo. Countries lose their identity and the population react accordingly. Immigration creates communities within communities, who have different traditions , religions, values , morals, skin colour , etc. . I for example consider myself a ' Weltbuerger' , die Welt ist mein Feld, and having lived, one time or the other, on almost every continent of this planet , being old enough and observant I have come to the conclusion that the population of this world has "Weltangst". Be it in the US , where a large part of it's citizen are clinging to the proverbial ' Bibles & Guns' or here in western Canada where the ' Yellow Peril ' is highly visible, or the Germans with the fear of losing the national identity. This is repeated in almost every Nation of Europe. In Spain's, Costa del Sol, is taken over by the British and in Britain where the consequences of colonialism, have come home to roost . I can now emphasise with the First Nations of the New World and how they where treated and mistreated by the white invaders, predominently, but not exclusively, by British, French and Spanish. Gavin Maxwell told me once that eventually the whole world will be ' a sort of deep brown and speak English.' As far as Pollititians are concerned, put them all into a Pinata, hit the Pinata with a stick and you hit always the right one. The biggest problem is overpopulation and corruption, plus we have to come up with a new economic model. Adam Smith is long outdated.