Why I Am Preaching the Divine Guidance to the Professional LinkedIn Audience? Let's Learn from History!

Why I Am Preaching the Divine Guidance to the Professional LinkedIn Audience? Let's Learn from History!

To many people, I am sure, the topic of Divine Guidance Signs belongs to the WOO WOO land. Many won’t pay attention because they are very busy with the “real business.” It’s actually a very big mistake. I hope you have noticed that the world is awakening spiritually. More and more people question the old ways of life and yes, business too.

Let’s learn from history here. I am sure you know of or perhaps, you even read the so-called “business bible” “Think and Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill. For more than 20 years, Hill had interviewed the wealthiest businessmen in the nation learning what brings business success and failure, and then he has written his famous philosophy of success. ?

What have we all been taught by business gurus? Hard work, actions, actions, actions, overcome obstacles, climb Himalayas, don’t give up, overrun, overwork, overachieve, hustle, hustle, hustle…. Everyone hustles!

And yet, the whole century ago, Napoleon Hill concluded,

If you are one of those people who believes that hard work and honesty alone will bring riches, perish the thought. It is not true! Riches, when they come in huge quantities, are never the result of hard work… Ideas are the beginning of all fortunes.

And where do you think those ideas come from??Every truly opulent idea, which we usually call a “million-dollar idea” always comes from the Divine. It is the idea that if implemented has a potential to bring you great wealth. Why? Because this idea didn’t come from your limited human brain. The idea is given to you by the Divine, which is unlimited and see the big picture of your life and your business.

Join me in my 4-day Divine Guidance Challenge:?Ask and You Shall Receive the Answers. A Comprehensive System on How to Read, Interpret and Apply Divine Guidance Signs in Any Situation for Women Entrepreneurs on March 10-13, 2022. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ?

Napoleon Hill interviewed thousands and thousands of wealthy businessmen. He revealed that all the wealthiest businessmen of his time with tremendous fortunes had the same secret! They were able to connect with the Divine and bring forth their million-dollar ideas and their Divine Guidance, which would help them implement those ideas in their business. That’s what moved them ahead in growing wealth exponentially. Napoleon Hill explained that those who knew and used this secret – amassed tremendous wealth; those who didn’t – didn't not achieve big success. Knowing Napoleon Hill’s background and expertise, there is no doubt that Hill knew exactly what he was talking about!

So the spiritual aspect has always been present in SUCCESSFUL business, but because spiritual topics were considered WOO WOO and were a big taboo, everyone kept a secret religiously. No one would divulge their relationship with the Spirit and how they were able to tap into their Source. So for unaware, business looked very differently: hard work, climbing the Himalayas and gambling. Gambling, because no one knew going into business whether they would survive or not, become wealthy or not.

If you are aware now that the wealthiest businessmen in the nation in the past attributed their enormous success to following their Divine Guidance, while keeping it a secret, do you still want to grow your business alone, or you want to give your Divine Guidance a chance to help you reach success you’ve been dreaming about??

Join me in my 4-day Divine Guidance Challenge:?Ask and You Shall Receive the Answers. A Comprehensive System on How to Read, Interpret and Apply Divine Guidance Signs in Any Situation for Women Entrepreneurs on March 10-13, 2022. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ?

#divineguidance, #womanpower, #enlightenedbusiness, #keystofreedom, #spiritualawakening


Irina Baker, M.A. Mentor, Speaker, Best-selling Author的更多文章

