Why I am disappointed with Modi
Like many others I also voted for Modi in 2014 with lot of hope. I also had been waiting for the “acche din” for the last 4 years. I am matured enough to understand that all election promises can’t be fulfilled. But the shortfall between promises and expectations is huge. Here I list down things where Modi has been a big disappointment.
- Putting corrupt behind bar: 2014 election was all about corruption. We expected once Modi is in power, he will put many of these politicians behind bar. We knew that there is enough evidence in 2G, Coal, CWG and other scams to put politicians behind bar. However, its been 4 years and not one politician is behind bar. Even Raja and others from DMK have been released as CBI did not produce enough evidence in the court. We all know who controls CBI, this is an indication that BJP is looking to keep its options open for future political tie-up in Tamil Nadu or got a share in the loot. Rather than putting these corrupt politicians behind bar, BJP is welcoming them to join their own party. Narayan Rane, Naresh Agarwal, Mukul Roy, Yeddyurappa…the list is endless.
- Banking bailout & no privatization: Every 4-5 years these banks are provided equity funding or bailout as loans to corporates become NPA. This is nothing but method of taking money from the pocket of middle class and putting it in the pocket of super rich business and politicians. We expected Modi to stop this bailout. We expected him to sell or merger public sector banks and limit the number of public sector banks to one or two. We expected him to take a firm decision that these banks would not get any bailout or equity funding from government and to survive they will have to fend for themselves. They can raise equity from public or other investors. Tax payer money should not be used to fund these banks.
- Populistic measures like farm loan waiver: Every government when in power retorts to populistic measures like farm loan waivers to get votes. We expected Modi to be different. Today most of the BJP rules stated including UP, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, MP are giving out farm loan waiver. We all know these farm loan waivers are frauds as these never reach the really needy farmer and always goes into the pocket of rich farmers, bureaucrat and politicians. There are ghost farmers and ghost loans on the books of cooperative banks and other banks which are created to get farm loan in future. Why not insist on Aadhaar linking before any waiver of farm loan?
- Reservation & minority appeasement: We were sick of previous government because of minority appeasement. We expected Modi to bat for Uniform Civil Code which would mean all would be treated equally. The forefathers of Indian Constitution wanted reservation to be over in 1976, but it continued as all previous government wanted to appease minority. We expected, Modi would put an end to it. However, he also continued with the practice of minority appeasement. From Gujarat to Haryana more and more upper caste is now demanding reservation and BJP government is appeasing them. The only solution to this problem is to eliminate the reservation policy completely. But he didn’t have the 56-inch chest he claimed to have to take the strong stand.
- Bureaucrats / Government servants are still not working: Initially, when Modi came to power we heard he is making bureaucrats work. We heard that he has linked their attendance to Aadhaar and there is a fear that attendance record is available for all bureaucrats in PMO. But nothing has changed. Again, bureaucrats / government servants are not there in office, leave alone working. Earlier they used to sit on files now they move it around in circles. On more than one occasion, my complain to PMO has been closed after few months without any action.
- Courts are still not working: One of the biggest problem with India is its judiciary. There is more nepotism in judiciary than even in politics. There are cases which are pending for decade including cases against politicians. We expected Modi to take some strict action, we expected him to use digital technologies to deliver justice faster. Courts continue to remain as slow as ever. Today only an idiot would file case in Indian courts and waste his time. In Indian there is no concept of justice. And that is the reason from politician to rapist, nobody has any fear of law.
- Wasted energy on things like beef ban: With so many important things which should be getting his focus from infrastructure to education, from judiciary to bureaucracy, he and his team chose to waste time on issue like beef ban just to please his hardcore supporters. Even the richest countries in the world is struggling to provide enough resources to provide for the aging human population and BJP wants to waste resources on aging cows!!
- Lack of execution on ground: Aadhaar linking with everything to cut corruption is a good idea but execution is left to government servants who treat citizens as their servants. The whole linking process could have been much more convenient. When bank account is linked why not the linked D mat account, insurance policy, stocks etc. is automatically linked? Why not link real estate with Aadhaar where we see the maximum concertation of black money? Many other schemes like digital India, startup India etc are great in theory but on ground execution has totally failed. Demonetization is a great example of the same. When overnight he can ban currency and ask people to go digital, why even after 1 year he can’t make it a rule for government organizations and government servants to only use digital payments?
Closing remark: Yes, I am disappointed with Modi but what alternative do we have? Is there any politician who is even promising to do what we are hoping for? All politicians are promising more loan waivers, they are promising more reservation. They are talking against digitalization, Aadhaar and want to take India back to no internet days. The only alternative to Modi today is a ‘Kichdi’ Sarkar. Why we don’t have better choice?
I was reading a Ruchir Sharma’s interview yesterday where he made an interesting point – anti-incumbency is an Indian concept and 66% (against the world average of 33%) of the time we Indian votes against the current government because we are disappointed. This also shows that we Indians have no good options and have to choose between two bad options. We have to choose the lesser evil. Why we Indians have such bad alternatives? Is there an inherent problem with our political system or our society?
Business Operations Lead at IBM India Pvt Ltd
6 年How can we become gullible time and again? Anybody who is a product of the system cannot and will not work to disband the same system. Its against their best interests of survival and growth. Learnt that lesson when VP Singh became PM riding on the Bofors scandal. Democracy is a farce, played by few, for consumption by the masses and current moral structure of the country has disintegrated to such an extent that the ends have started justifying the means. So, carry on with this debate while the players make a few more millions and cart it off to banks in Luxembourg and Switzerland. If you can make a populist agenda your own, then join this uber class piggybacking on support of the masses. and then use them like disposable assets and never lose sight of your agenda of acquisition of wealth and power.
continuing of what I mentioned below.... when we got freedom we were supposed to have a Govt of the people by the people and for the people .... and after 70 years what we saw is for majority of the time we actually had the Govt of the few people by the few people and for the few people controlled by one dynastic family ... Modi is sincerely trying to change that which many people don't like and they have every reason to be disappointed with Modi ... it is correct that BJP have raised hopes but in a democracy to win votes sometimes you need to show a lot of carrots and that is the rule of the game ... nothing wrong in it .... Congress gave slogans of Garibi Hatao for several years ... the garibi still have not gone in fact it is increasing ... did anyone mention the disappointment with those Governments then ... for several years until actually Modi came on scene waking up all of us and kind of forced us to think and shown the altrenative .. in fact the biggest achievement of Modi is there is no corruption scam charges in almost 4 years of time which should be the reason enough to be happy .... forget everything else ...
It seems that the writer of this blog expects that Modi have a magic wand in his hand and can change all that was not right for over 65 years in one go ... guys you need to be a bit patient and give him some time ... this guy seems to be working towards doing something ...hold on ..don't write the obit yet ...
O&G Professional @Engineering, Construction and Commissioning
6 年It's a complete disappointment with the present functioning as they are aware of voters sentiments, as learnt from being in opposition.They are moving with the flow with schedule in place to survive for 5 yrs.They blamed others while in opposition and still the same being in Power.Even their supporters are moving away from them not a single person behind the bars all seems to move with red carpet overseas as they are ruled by them.
Completion Lead at ACCIONA Construcción
6 年Modi is still the best option available so far... and...moreover, everyone think modi is a magician...so ..the bigger problem is the people themself......