Why I am not able to Start a Start-Up ??
Very funny topic but I am sure most of the people trying to figure out this. They planned everything but still things are dragging and dragging and every year they thought that they will do it next year. They have finished 9 out of 10 constraints and now only 1 to crack. And next year just because of some situation, they again try to fix 1 more constraint.
I am just trying to highlight few points which are very common and few of them are also applicable in my case (till now) :)
Constraint 1: Not having sufficient Fund: Those people who don't have solid financial background and they have joined any organization (for this reason) can easily understand what I am trying to tell. Once you are in Job, you start getting salary. We think that once we will save a certain amount, we will quite our job and then we will start something. We do all our calculation based on our current salary and expenses. but still something is lacking.
Let's suppose you are getting 50k/month and your expenses are 20k/month, then its easy that you can save 30k /month. When we calculate the saving for next 5 year (required amount for Starting a Start-up), our calculation is something like this.
Expanses = 20k *12*5=1200k
Income = (50+60+70+80+90)k*12= 350k*12=4200k (included per year salary hike :) )
Miscellaneous Expanses = 300K (we don't want to add this, but because someone asked us to do real calculation - we add this amount :) )
So, Total saving:
4200k-1200k-300k= 2700k
Wooo .. this is the amount I need to start. Bingoo... This is what our first reaction.
What next - we do same calculation next year and figure out that we were thinking that first year we will save 30k*12=360k, but that didn't happen. We think - okay no issue .. this year I will do that. and this thing continue for every year.
Now, my question - where are the problems? Where have I done wrong calculation.
Below points can help you. :)
- We included our salary hike as we are expecting, which is always not possible. Sometime high and sometime low - can be a situation.
- Expanses are calculated based on current (Today's) situation. Again, this is is not possible. Lot of expanses are not in your control (we don't include that). We forget to add yearly expanses in our calculation. We forget to add affect of inflation on our expanses.
- We try to compensate a lot on the basis of assumption (specially Finance) Like, if this year salary hike is less, next year hike is going to compensate this. Which is again based on assumption. This year, if you are not able to save as per calculation, you will compensate it in next year. Again based on assumption. :)
- We didn't consider future liability / responsibility which are planed by someone else. Like Marriage :) Even if someone suggested this, we pass the comment that I will manage this. Actually we built a virtual world around us and try to run away from Real world.
- Today 2700k may be sufficient for a Start-up but what about after 5 year. Are you sure this much amount is sufficient at that time ? What happen to inflation rate here ?
Constraint 2: Family: wow.. what's this and how it's related to my start-up. Guys it's very much related. All of us have our personal life in which our parents, sister, brother, wife, girlfriend, kid and relatives come into the picture. This is all know as "Family" :). Now point is how these are a constraint for our startup.
- Sometime Family are our responsibility. We have to take care for them. If that's the case we have to save a minimum amount of money for them so that while you are not earning from the startup, at least their life should not impact. How Much is the constraint. I am sure, someone has recommended you to save at least to survive for next 1-2 year. That's great. Calculation change :) Need more time to save this. More no of years in job. :(
- Even if you have consider finance part (as in #1), there is another constraint. Time Constraint. Constraint is we are bound to show results of our start-up in next 1-2 year (same time frame for which we have done saving). Everyone know that it's not possible to replace your current income from a start-up in next 1-2 year.
- In case your family is not from business background, you may have to convince them :) . Convincing every family member is biggest constraint. And it make sense because you have to take care of them and they have freedom to ask you several questions :) . Complexity of constraint is directly proportional to number of family members.
Constraint 3: When can I quit my job: To solve above issue, again someone suggested you to start the things part-time and you can quit your job Either "you start replacing your current income" OR "the day your initial setup (like infrastructure / development of product) is finished. Just before launching". So now question with all of you. Do you think that any of this can be possible in short span of time. It depends on the type of Start-up. For Consultancy - may be it can work in short time, but for product it's not so easy. So it means, you have time dependency on the Type of Start-Up if you want to use any of the above solution for quitting your job. :)
Constraint 4: Not getting a good partner: Did anyone suggested you "not to start anything alone". If yes, this is for you. Above 3 constraint is also applicable for him (which will be yours also). You need someone who at least be of following type
- Should think as you are or better than you OR
- Can share any of your work OR
- Should be your complement OR
- Can help you financially OR
- Should be transparent with you (on hidden complexity) AND
- Should have real expectation as you are AND
- Should stop if you are doing something wrong.
Don't you think this is constraint. :) Start-Up partner is not easy to find. It's your luck that you can get a right person at the right time. :)
Constraint 5 : Market Demand: You have planned everything solid and now you are ready with all the preparation as per your plan for the Start-Up Idea but what's the Market of that TODAY. In today's world, everything is so dynamic that it's very difficult to predict the market after 6 month and we are talking about 5 year later. We plan everything as per today's requirement and forget that there is equal possibility that it will not be a requirement in future - Then WHAT ? The reason I am considering this as a constraint because if you take infinite time (means 5 year/10year) to implement today's idea and you think it will be a successful Start-Up.... I doubt. Means if you don't implement your idea in next 1-2 year then it's a problem.
OHHHH ... in next 2 year --- My GOD .. solving above constraints (#1 to #4) are not easy in short time and constraint #5 demands to start in short time. :( :(
There are a lot of reasons and constraint I can share with you, but these are more common. And these are the main reasons which justify
" Why I am not able to Start a Startup ??"
but it doesn't mean you can't start the things but if you overcome any of the above constraint, chance of failure are always there.
Few more thing...
Every Startup's Story is different and same will be yours.
Every Startup's constraints are different and same will be yours.
Every Founder is different and same applies to you.
Every business model has some uniqueness and same will be yours.
I have solutions of all above things but before I disclose those, please do some brainstorming. :) :)