Why I Will Always Post Christmas Cards
Chantal Cornelius
★Showing service business how to StandOut from the crowd and win more business★ International Speaker & Marketing Mentor - for 25 years! Author of 'StandOut Strategies' - the new book for 2024
Every year since I set up Appletree, way back in 2000, I have been posting Christmas cards to my favourite clients, along with top prospects and my most loyal suppliers and supporters. Every year, I buy cards from a company that make a donation to a charity of my choice. This allows me to support the British company that makes the cards, as well as my chosen charity. Every year, the card company contact me earlier than last year, offering me a bigger discount for ordering early. In 2022, true to form, they emailed me in May. Buy before 31st May for a 33% discount! I’m in! I did a quick check on my database to see who would be receiving a card and I ordered 80 of them. They arrived a few weeks later and stayed in the cupboard until November, when I dug them out and started working on them. Handwritten addresses – no sticky, printed labels. Handwritten, personalised notes in each one – no standard messages or omissions of the recipient’s name.
“Thank you for supporting me this year – I love the latest designs you created for my clients.”
“It was great working with you this year and I’m really looking forward to helping you launch your book next year.”
“Thank you for allowing me to support you for the last 12 years. Enjoy your retirement!”
Yes it takes time, which is why I start early. It means that by the time I have bought stamps and stuck them all on, the cards are in the post box early in December. Which means that they arrive before the recipients go on their Christmas holidays/close their offices for the rest of the year... or the post office goes on strike!
Standing Out
Why do I go to the length and cost of doing this?every year, when I receive so few cards in return?
Because no one else does it!
So few of my competitors take the time to properly thank their clients for their support. I see too many posts on Facebook and LinkedIn, from people in my industry, telling their clients that they can’t be bothered to write individual cards. They don’t say it in so many words, but that’s what they mean. They assume that their clients are on Facebook or LinkedIn and that they will see the message they’ve broadcast to the entire world. How many of their clients won’t actually see that message and may, therefore, feel neglected or forgotten?
I make the effort to send cards, because it makes me stand out from my competitors. I do it because I want to personally thank people for their custom and for their support. I want clients to feel good about working with me, and to let my suppliers know how much I appreciate all they do for me.
Every year, I receive emails and messages from happy clients?thanking me for taking the time to send them a card. None of them ever complain about receiving a personalised card; no one complains about the environmental impact of receiving something printed on paper. They just smile and say thank you for the effort. And then they recommend me to other people like them, who need help with their marketing.
You might not celebrate Christmas and your clients might not celebrate it either, and that’s fine. Just look for other ways in which you can keep in touch with the people who matter at other times of the year. Think about how you can personally thank your clients for their custom. Birthday cards? Thank you cards? Congratulations cards? Anything personal which makes them feel special and helps them to remember you as someone different to your competitors.
Stamp it Out
Each year, I spend about £200 on Christmas cards and postage – not taking into account any of my time. Not all of that amount will go to my chosen charity, as some obviously goes to the card company and to Royal Mail for the stamps. But if you don’t send cards, would you donate as much as £200 to a charity instead? If not, you’re better off spending some time actually sending cards.
If you emailed me an “I’m sending this to everyone” Christmas message, I did not read it before I deleted it. If you are one of my favourite clients and you sent me such an email, don’t worry. I will have posted a card to you anyway, so you won’t be taken off my Christmas list!
Start planning now for how you will keep in touch with your clients this year, in a personalised way, that will help you to stand out from your competitors.