Why I accepted invite to join the club?
Nigel Dupree
Project Director at S.M.A.R.T. Foundation - also known as: Legin Nyleve, LeginNyleve and @l3gin on other Social Media
Well Hello, probably should have refused invite as, like, you know, clubs and all that. Anyway, curiosity killed the cat so, here I am, awhile later and now making excuses - hahah
What do I do ? I spent the last 20 years enabling the functionally illiterate to "Access Text" on-screen so, that they 'can go to the ball', as it were, and participate in learning in an institutions from whence the non-reader is effectively excluded.
It's a well kept secret so, will have to kill you if I tell you, haha.
But, I maybe able to trust you good folks if, for no other reason than nearly 20 years later the BSI published a set of Publicly Accessibility Regulations, ISO 30071.1 "DSE Colour Contrast Calibration" validating what we have been doing anyway so, our secret is, sort of, no longer as secret as it were - ho hum
The Display Screen Optimiser (DSO), not very original code for the project I'm afraid nevertheless, stuck with it as not sure about the number of daft, so called branding identities like, "boom", "jump", "shazam" whatever so, there you have it and that's all there is about it.
Oh, and the WHO scaled the predictable 'visual repetitive stress injuries / adaptations to mitigate the vision stress or eye-strain from over-exposure to the near or close-up. exacerbated by sub-optimally calibrated standard, out of the box, back-lit, bright white background or generic contrast to text on your Display Screen in 2016 (WHO ICD-10 https://icd.who.int/browse10/2016/en#/H53.1 )
So, nothing new really just re-inventing the wheel as the Greeks knew about it and Dante' (1265-1321) had a natty name for 'eye-strain' as a "visual repetitive stress injury / adaptation". I suppose for a writer and academic the results of ignoring "vision stress" probably not interesting enough so, called it "Asthenopia"
Anyway, in order for the S.M.A.R.T. Foundation UK to carry-on and expand making a direct impact for many individual children, we want to go Global to enable Access to Text for ALL Children so, have developed a commercial on-line interactive self-administered DSO for Display Screen Operators in the workplace who are also predictably at risk of "over-exposure to the near or close-up" as well, suffering eye-strain or presenteeism due to eye-strain sorry "Asthenopia" so we can make Access to Text on-screen for ALL.