Why and How Time Management is Really Important For Us?
Why and How Time Management is really Important For Us?

Why and How Time Management is Really Important For Us?

Whenever we talk about the Effective Time Management, we should remember, there is a principle called Pareto Principle. According to this principle all the output or result we produce in a day 80% of those results we produce with 20% efforts and rest of 80% of our efforts generate only 20% results.

So according to above principle we should investigate or recognize why our 80% efforts generates only 20% results where are the loopholes. We should determine the core points where once stage we produce 80% results with 20% efforts and at the same case we produce 20% results with 80% efforts. This is not fair. We have to determine the points or barriers which are actually effect our productivity.

According to Lawrence J.Gitman (Author of Principle Financial Management Book), his opinion regarding the time, “Time is money because the money we have right now, will not same value after one year the main indicator of this theory is Time.”

Another thought, we usually observe in a society every person born in this universe have a same hours (12hours a day) but some accomplished remarkable results but some accomplished no so well. But one thing we should remember always, we are humans and we never achieve 100% results or productivity.

Although we are human, and not produce 100% productivity and not been perfect fully enough but we have to work on time management effectively. When you start working on your time management, you start feel to control on your life. When you get control of you time ultimately you feel empowered and strong enough to tackle every challenge in your life regardless you at office or home.

 Because there is always some blocks or barriers which are generally our own created so that’s why we are not enough capable to manage our time effectively. But there is some helpful time management techniques and tools in this article which are strongly recommended.

We will explain these techniques individually.

1.     Focus on Results

2.     Arrange Action Plan Chart

3.     Set Clear and Realistic Goals

4.     Prioritize Your Plans Wisely

5.     Counter the Interruptions / Barriers

1.    Focus on Results:

Whenever we talk about the effective time management, we have to make sure the two major aspects. The first aspect is “Being Busy” and second aspect is that “Being Getting Results “It’s clearly known that there is a big difference being busy or being getting result with work smartly.

So we have to determine and focus on results. It’s strongly recommended that we have to use our time smartly and avoid to being busy. When you adopt this techniques and draw your routine life with focus on results approach you will observe that you feel confident and always get ready with coming challenges.

2.    List of Action Plan Chat:

Another view of action plan chart is that “Check List”. You have to draw check list on daily basis and follow the check list throughout the day. At the end of day or mid of the day you should review your check list.

Moreover you have to include not only work related task in this check list but also include some leisure activities. Such type of activities increase your productivity and effective time management because being human we are always want change and something new. So we have to consider this fundamental secret of human personality.

3.    Set Clear and Realistic Goals:

As all we know that goal setting is a significant technique to achieve the effective time management because when you achieve your goal timely your moral definitely upward direction and you feel accomplished. Goal setting is directly linked with effective time management because we never ever ignore the importance of time management.

           So we have to adopt the technique accurately because if you are not set your goals accurately or setting goals poorly your results definitely full of frustrations and lacking your moral very low. So you have to set your goals wisely, clear and concise in this way your goals achieved timely and our motive of effective time management accomplished.

4.    Prioritize Your Plans Wisely

Another aspect which is more significantly important and considerable regarding how to improve time management. When you start working to adopt this technique you will observe the surprised results. As we know that priority is a key factor to save time while chasing your goals and important tasks.

Every day before starting you have to determine which task is more important and which tasks are less importance and on the basis of importance you should execute your task. Ultimately on this basis of this approach you accomplished your goal to save and manage your time significantly.

5.    Counter the Interruptions / Barriers

Furthermore interruptions are considered as a key indicator to manage your time efficiently. Whenever, wherever you are there are always interruption in work regardless you at work or at home. In this way you can’t utilize your time clearly, infect your productivity graph also going to down curve. So you need to determine the core points and particulars which are significantly creating the hurdles for you. When you determine all those factors, then you have to work on these factors smartly to save and manage your time effectively to accomplish your goals.

Concluding Suggestions:

When you came to know, what’s in your hand you will more capable, determinant and achieve more accomplishments in less time period. Significant time management need to be regularly practice the all above time management techniques in coming days and definitely you will be amazed that how much daily time you save and productivity also improved.

Shahid Habib


