Why and how to stay without frequency?
S Vijay Venkatesh
Co-founder & MD @ Syscon Cronus - ERP | No-nonsense Mfg ERP | ERP Success & Turnaround specialist | Eat, Breath and Sleep ERP | Yoga practitioner
There was a science test demo on a LinkedIn post.
I responded to this post from a body-mind complex and spiritual perspective. Looking at the response and questions, I was inspired to write a post with more perspective descriptions.
Problem statement:
For all the external world contact we connect our mind with our 5 senses. The 5 senses are a small part of reflected consciousness. This is only for external world transactions. But unfortunately, most of us end up thinking of this as life. This creates a big mess. As per this article, this is a false frequency. As an extension of this mess, we also try to idealise someone else and start further modifying our frequency, messing it up further.
Mapping for a false frequency based on the need is necessary. But making the mind continue to stay on the false frequency is damaging. While negotiating a curve we spin the wheel as much as required and bring it back for the straight road's alignment. If don't bring the wheel straight either we end up circling at the same place or dash against the vehicle behind. Such prolonged stay in the false frequency makes this damage irreparable. People end up with many mental problems.
Short exercise:
Sit quietly and check do you have a doubt if you are there are not. You can even try this in a pitch-dark room. The obvious answer is yes.
All the day all the time. Observe closely over and over, you will know you are not using any of your senses. It says I am there.
This is called our source/consciousness / true frequency-less state. Only a frequency-less state can generate any frequency that you want. Let us see a couple of examples scientifically.
1. What is the source of electrical power? Is it 100 MW, 500 MW or 5000 MW. Infinite. It depends on your generation's equipment, right?
2. What is airways bandwidth? 4 G, 5G or 6G. Infinite.
3. What is the highest and lowest sound decibel? Infinite. The definitions are relative to human hearing capacity.
4. What is the frequency of our consciousness? Infinite.
So as and when we tune our minds to a frequency for a specific purpose, once the job is done, we need to bring back our minds to our consciousness. This has to be the permanent seating place for our minds. This process is called meditation. As a result of this, the mind gets enough rest and stays personality-less.
What is personality when we sleep? It is nothing. With personality, no one can sleep. People who take their personality too seriously, can not sleep without a sleeping pill or drugs in some form. If we see any psychological problem, the first step the doctors does is to put the patient to sleep.
Let's now understand what happens in sleep. During sleep, all frequencies are lost. So the mind maps with the consciousness (as seen earlier, which has no frequency). It gets charged. When we are in any frequency the energies get discharged. We see on our mobile that some of the Apps will be running in the background draining the battery, when we are unconscious, the same happens to us too. We have multiple personalities, parallelly running at different frequencies all the time, draining our energies.
So putting the mind back to consciousness is called meditation. Meditation is not something that we do. It is that happens automatically. Once we negotiate the curve, if we leave the wheel it will go back to its natural alignment automatically. (Unless we hold it back forcefully)
Once all of us master this, we do not need any school for right & wrong, change-management, morals, values, and ethics to be tough. We will know what is required, when, and how much. We will all do it and leave.
Nothing is my invention or proprietary. These are the core of Sanatana Darma passed on for ages by our Rishis and Gurus. People like Krishna, Rama, Sankara, Ramakrishna, and Ramana Maharshi have walked and shown the path.