Why and How Do Similes and Metaphors Add Depth to Your Writing?
Denis Ledoux
Helping first-time and (often) only time writers via coaching, editing, ghostwriting, and book production to produce the book they so dream of.
“I don’t quite know how to describe what I’m feeling,” you might say during your writing as you grope for a way to describe in words this emotion that is beyond words. There is a solution to this dilemma that writers often resort to—but too many writers are sure they can’t handle it. The solution? It is the use of images, specifically similes and metaphors. These will bring your text to a level beyond words.
Not sure how to handle these literary techniques? Not to worry. The following article explains much. You will read examples of similes and metaphors and learn the difference between similes and metaphors.
1.?A simile is a comparison that uses?like?or?as.
When you say, “Life is like a merry-go-round”, you are making an image we call a simile—even if it’s not a terribly original one. It’s a simile, too, if you write, “I’m busy?as?a bee.” In a simile, because of the use of?like?and?as, it is clear that the writer is making a comparison. Here is an example of a simile:
My love is?like?the red, red rose/That’s newly sprung in June, /My love is?like?the melody/That’s sweetly played in tune.??—Robert Burns
2.?A metaphor is a comparison that does?not?use?like?or?as.
You make a metaphor when you say, “Life is a merry-go-round.” Metaphors are images just like similes but they are different from similes in that the comparison is a touch hidden. There is no?like?or?as?to cue the reader—that is the only difference between a simile and a metaphor. Life, of course, isn’t really a merry-go-round—what you mean is that life is?likea merry-go-round: it has speed, a sense of thrill, and fancy. And of course, when you say “busy as a bee,” you do not mean to say you are a bee but that you are merely?like?a bee in your busy-ness”.
I hope Robert Burns will forgive me for altering his verses below but it’s done for the good of literature—your memoir. Had Burns omitted the word?like?he would have written a metaphor—but, of course, he did not. The image would have read like this:
My love is a red, red rose/That’s newly sprung in June, /My love is a melody/That’s sweetly played in tune.
Both similes and metaphors appropriate for one person, thing, or idea a quality that belongs to another. Robert Burns hoped that we would ascribe our feelings for the beauty and fragility of a red rose to love.
He is saying: Isn’t love just as beautiful and fragile as the rose?)
Similes?and?metaphors?“borrow” meaning from other words, but they clearly “borrow” just a portion of the meaning of the person, the thing, or the idea which is being compared to another.
Like two gray circles that overlap?only partially?to create a darker area (the previous phrase is a part of a simile), similes and metaphors overlap only partially the meaning of the thing or person to which they are compared.
3.?Similes and metaphors are not definitions of persons, things, or ideas.
They are different from definitions. Similes and metaphors are vague and so they are often used in clusters. In fact, writers often stack a number of similes or metaphors before they feel they have achieved the effect they were striving for.
Burns attempts to pinpoint his love one more time by writing?in the same stanza, “My love is like a melody/Sweetly played in tune”. When the author adds this new simile to that of “My love is?like?the red, red rose/That’s newly sprung in June,” he is attempting to create clearer meaning by stacking similes.
Your writing, too, will require that you stack a number of similes and metaphors before you achieve the effect you are striving for.
Again, similes and metaphors are not definitions! Definitions are precise. When you write that a merry-go-round is a carousel, you are not saying that it is?like?a carousel; you are clearly stating that a merry-go-round?is?a carousel. You are defining the word?merry-go-round.
Unlike similes and metaphors that thrive on ambiguity, definitions thrive on clarity.
Similes and metaphors appeal to a poetic sense which accepts and appreciates without being judgmental and evaluative. They tap into our childlike relationship to the world.
By including appropriate similes and metaphors, you will engage your reader in a way that circumvents the rational mind.
Because of this, similes and metaphors are especially effective within lead paragraphs or for introducing characters.
4. Similes and metaphors have to make sense.
Many writers will let their imaginations wander and they will create fanciful images. It is always good to let one’s imagination wander, but then some part of you as a writer has to evaluate whether it has created appropriate images.
A best rule of thumb in creating an image is to look within the nature of the thing or person whose meaning you want to expand. If the person is a farmer, use farming analogy and not machine shop ones. If the person is a doctor use medical similes and metaphors and not merchandising ones. Here are some examples of wrong choices:
In conclusion
Using similes and metaphors can expand your story and bring meaning to an action, character or setting, but their use can also create meaningless and foolish images that distract the reader.
Good luck with your writing, and remember: whatever you do today, write a bit on your memoir.
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