Why and how background should be removed?
Background removing services are mostly used when you don't like the background or you want to change it. Different images have different requirement of background which should be changed according to their need.
You may change your image as you desire but it may not accept it that way. In the above image the background is set as a white background to make it grab attention but because of the lighting it made a shadow which is totally visible, this is what actually makes it look dull. Instead of grabbing attention it actually manipulates the audience to look at the background. And so the background is change into vivid white color which helps to grab the attention to the model.
Now, how exactly background is changed? Well before changing or deleting the background, it is very important to do #clipppingpathservice or #imagemaskingservice, this means drawing a blue line along with the subject to select the subject and detach the background. Both the services do the same but have some differences as well.
We are not going to discuss about that.
Change you background to bring back the focus on the dull subject or the product to produce sales.