Why Homomorphic (FHE) encryption is doomed

Why Homomorphic (FHE) encryption is doomed

The NaVeOl method is a patented method of encoding data. The method is part of the emerging eighttoseven (8to7) technology.

What is a NaVeOl method?

The method allows to carry out absolute and relative operations over bit data in sizes other than 8/16/32/64 and even in non-binary (2^n) notation systems.

What is the peculiarity of the method?

The method allows you to consider and implement operations on data in a form that most algorithms of modern programs and computer systems can not work. This gives advantage to the method in the analysis and coding of data presented in a non-standard form, and also expands the space of digital operations.

NaVeOl Script data coding

A special case of NaVeOl method application is data encryption program — NaVeOl Script. The successful algorithmic solution makes the program a compact and efficient solution.

Is NaVeOl Script a secure cryptographic solution?

Yes, while maintaining the foundation of NaVeOl’s unique method, it incorporates dynamic encryption and iceberg coding.

The strength of an algorithm is often measured by its key length. What is the key length used in NaVeOl Cript?

The NaVeOl method doesn’t restrict the length or the binary representation of the encryption key, but the first version of the software described the key length as 4096 bits. At the same time, the program doesn’t specify the length of the user’s password, which makes it difficult to guess the user’s password.

Is there a peculiarity of the encryption algorithm?

Yes, the algorithm uses fast genetic transformation of the encryption algorithm according to multifactor data variability. We consider this direction as promising not only in coding but also in other computational operations.

What is the advantage of NaVeOl Script algorithm compared to Deterministic encoding?

NaVeOl Script uses its own unique dynamic data coding method, which eliminates the heuristic method of code analysis for information disclosure. At the same time, it uses fast algorithms that are as fast as deterministic coding.

What is the advantage of NaVeOl Script algorithm over BlowFish coding?

The conducted comparative analysis of the speed of programs indicates a 50-fold advantage of the NaVeOl Cript algorithm over BlowFish. Comparison of the results of monotone files encoding (files filled with the same values, for example, zeros) shows a significant increase in the entropy of the encoded file using the NaVeOl Cript method compared with the BlowFish method. This is easily observed by significant decrease of compression ratio of monotonous encoded files using NaVeOl Cript method compared to BlowFish method.

In addition, BlowFish implements a static bit-changing data algorithm, which in the classic implementation significantly reduces the encryption speed. NaVeOl Cript uses fast bitwise encryption algorithms and also uses “genetic variation” of the algorithm, which, while maintaining speed, significantly increases encryption complexity.

What is the advantage of the NaVeOl Cript algorithm over Homomorphic encryption?

The advantage of the NaVeOl Cript algorithm is its unparalleled speed, incomparably faster than homomorphic encoding, and simultaneously higher encryption complexity.

Moreover, eighttoseven technology (the underlying NaVeOl method) lies in the science of complementary homomorphic coding technology and is a promising direction for the development of homomorphic coding.

8(to)7 also allows computations to be performed on encrypted data without first having to decrypt it.

8(to)7 Prices Storage Use and Speed are just three feathers that are superior compared to FHE

8to7 technology

Technology of dynamic bit coding of data as information environment for safe and compact data storage and transmission.

What is the technology?

The eighttoseven 8to7 technology is a developing technology and covers the algorithmic area of information science concerned with the representation of numbers and operations on numbers other than the standard computer representation, including non-standard algorithmic operations.

What are the future prospects for 8to7 technology?

Since the technology defines the field of science, the possibilities are great. But one of the immediate expected goals is the implementation of an algorithm for high entropy data compression. It compresses previously uncompressed data by at least 12.5%. This method of data compression will give an additional boost to the development of data storage technology.

8(to)7 the first and complete Quantum resistant Encryption Ecosystem


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