Why Heap Allocations is avoided for RTS and Space Applications
Yash Singhal
Phd IIT Roorkee CS (Systems and NLP) | Mtech AI IIT Jodhpur | Btech CS JIIT | GATE 2023 AIR 315
Dynamic Memory Allocation often brings Unpredictability
Memory Layout
To motivate the understanding of the avoidance of heap, its best to familiarize or acquit yourself with the Basic memory layout of a a program in execution
Program Code (Text Segment) - Memory containing the compiled code of the program and typically is marked read only to restrict unwarranted access. They are also often placed at the lower part of the memory
Data Segment and BSS Segment - BSS (Block Started by Symbol) segment and the Data segment lies above the Program Code in the memory layout of the program . The BSS and the Data Segment are used for two different purposes
static int z = 15 //Could be in function
int y = 15; //declared globally outside function scopes
static int count //Untialized static variable
int outside_ //global variable declared outside function scope
The BSS and Data Segment are separated because of the nature of the values stored in both. The BSS Segment are uninitialized and thus they are initialized with value of zero by program , hence its better for an Operating System to keep it separate for the optimization.. Further Reading about this [Seperation as Two Sections]
The BSS Segment and Data segment necessarily constitutes global allocations or Static Allocations
Stack-Based Allocation - The Stack Based allocations holds one of the prominent position in the memory layout of the program , The stack is typically located near to the top of the memory and grows downwards (from higher memory addresses to lower memory addresses)
The Stack stores the frames each of which represents a function call. The Stack frame contains predominantly the major components namely the return address, any function arguments passed on to the stack and any local variables defined in the function. Any function when called pushes the frame on the stack and when the function is returned, it is popped out of the stack
The Stack Based Allocation gives several advantages which makes it much more safe . These advantages would be applicable when we discuss why heap based allocation should be avoided
Heap Based Allocation - Heap Based Allocation is what allows the program to spread its wings far out in the wild . The Heap Based allocation allows the Dynamic allocation of memory for one or more purposes during runtime. It gives an abundance amount of flexibility to the programmers where the memory size of allocation is not known at compile time (Dynamic DS Structures)
Heap Dynamic allocations happens in the heap segment of one program layout which is just located above the data segments. Typically heap grows upwards (towards higher memory address)
int *arr = new int[10]; // Allocates memory for an array of 10 integers
int *arr = new int[10]; // Allocates memory for an array of 10 integers
The flexibility of the Dynamic allocations while allows the programmers and developers ton reach the sky, its however is not something which is looked favorably by real time application programmers.
The nature of the heap based allocations makes it really unpredictable and thus unsafe which makes it potentially dangerous for any applications which are critical in functionality
Some of the disadvantages of the heap-based dynamic allocations. These Disadvantages would be applicable for discussion later on
int *arr = (int *)malloc(10 * sizeof(int));
// Forgot to call free(arr);
int *ptr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
*ptr = 10; // Undefined behavior
The Demons of the Dynamic Allocations on Space and RTS applications
There might be several pointers above which might be relevant for our discussion
Unpredictability and Overhead - The Significant Issue here lies is the lack of transparency in the program in its runtime with respect to the flow and the allocation of the memory. The Stack and static allocation is safe and predictable for their size is known at compile time. Thus the programmers can reasonable trace the flow of the execution with high predictability
Dynamic allocations is allocated at run time. Hence there is a possibility that some undefined amount of memory might expand and collapse in unknown ways which can be a huge detrimental for the critical applications. The programmers simply cant afford to be okay with this case for it might bring a large no of unintended consequences
There might be a possibility that required memory from the heap is simply not available due to memory fragmentation and otherwise . This will kill the process, eventually leading to some failing of procedure which might be very critical in this .
Non Deterministic Allocation also remains a problem which might prove to be problematic. Dynamic Allocations often requires a significant overhead which requires consultation and to keep track of where the free parts of heap are available. This overhead is something which puts a stress on the hardware which itself do sent have much juice to provide. This directly leads to the issue of the non trivial time in allocation. Stack allocation has a predefined time to allocate memory which we cant say its true for heap allocations which might lead to some variation in time allocations. These differences in time might prove very dangerous for these critical applications namely RTS and Space Applications where even the most trivial amount of time matters
Manual Intervention - The biggest issue here lies in the fact of manual intervention, which often brings in the sense of the human unpredictability that often prove to be problematic as human beings are prone to error . Dangling Pointer and the Memory leak are one of the things we discussed which might lead to severe consequences in the program execution.
The static and stack allocations are safe in these behavior as they are entirely managed by the program execution requires limited manual intervention . Most of all, these stack and static allocations are entirely transparent to the programmers in terms of execution, the time for allocation thus providing a safe and secure tracing of the program flow which isn't the case with dynamic and heap allocation due to an element of human intervention for memory management along with the element of unpredictability it brings to the program flow
Complexity in Certification - Safety Critical Systems in aerospace (DO-178C[2]) often have a huge stringent requirements for the reliability which is headache when heap allocation is involved because its hugely difficult to validate and certify the heap usage and its behavior in the program execution
Thus in short Heap allocation introduces unpredictability, inefficiency, and risks that are difficult to tolerate in space computing ,embedded and other real time applications
References and Other Readings