Why Healthy Boundaries Save Us
Dani Saavedra
Digital Marketing and Community Engagement Professional | Licensed CCMP |
The other day a friend recounted a conversation with her niece who was adamantly refusing to clean up her toys.
When asked to clean up, she simply responded with two words.
“No thanks.”
I couldn’t help but laugh.
While the situation itself was comedic coming from a three-year old, I couldn’t help but think about the power of saying no when needed-- aka boundaries.
In practice, personal boundaries protect your emotional, physical, and mental well-being, while facilitating healthy professional relationships.
In turn, contributing towards a better workplace experience overall.
So, instead of having constant interruptions, excessive overload, work-home interface, and poor communication, you reduce the risk of burnout and amplify productivity.
Maybe the idea of establishing boundaries sounds uncomfortable.
Maybe it’s terrifying.
But boundaries aren’t equal to being dismissive or confrontational. Boundaries are non-negotiable standards, policies or rules that reflect values you wish to respect. They promote confidence and integrity. They protect.
Think about how you currently use boundaries at home, with friends, and in your workplace. Ask yourself in what ways do you feel overwhelmed and what do you vent to your family and friends about the most?
Practice healthy communication by expressing your boundaries off the get go. Sometimes people don’t just know what they’re doing upsets you. Communicate your boundary in a firm but calm way.
Find the courage to rediscover the art of saying no, so you can stay away from unhealthy situations. No isn’t a bad word.