why having Trump given a psychiatric examination is NOT a coup. It is a well understood procedure which would restore Democracy, and governance

We now have a situation where the POTUS due to creating a public danger, as seen in the TULSA rally is initiating activity which is a danger to not only himself but up to several thousand individuals due to reasons which are to benefit himself , which has been clearly stated by his advisors as a result of extreme depression.

See this, i.e. in the Palmer report



Today is Juneteenth, an important day in American history which saw word of the Emancipation Proclamation finally reach the last outposts of the confederacy. So how is Donald Trump celebrating the holiday? By threatening violence against peaceful protesters, of course.

Trump posted this deranged threat:

Donald J. Trump

Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!

This is a clear danger to others. and his rally is also being promoted clearly due to what is given below



Fauci and Birx advised Trump against holding Tulsa rally, and Trump team doing rally since D.J. Trump is in a "funk" - meaning 1000 Americans to die

  • Published on June 19, 2020

It does not get any more straightforward than this. The scientists, Birx and Fauci told Trump not to have the rally, and his advisors (Trump) are solely doing the rally since Trump is in a "funk"

They(his advisors ) need to be charged as accessories to murder, since over 1000 rally goers will die, all for the sake of allegedly boosting Trump's poor hurt feelings

End of quote

The rally is not being done to aid the political process. The rally will be a danger to the lives of thousands in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and is being done due to Donald Trump being in a "funk" as admitted to, by his ADVISORS.

Why having Trump given a psychiatric exam is not a coup-. It would be a restoration of Democracy, and rule of law

A. The rallies planned by Trump will have LETHAL consequence. Public health officials in Tulsa stated this , and yet Trump still proceeds, and the health of others be damned.

B. Trump is admittedly severely depressed. I.e. what we are seeing is a group therapy session with ONE beneficiary, DONALD TRUMP whereas others are being lead to die. Quite literally.

C. His followers are being egged into behavior which will kill thousands, in Tulsa in a display which will only affect the emotional state of DONALD Trump in any allegedly positive way

What we are seeing is almost the same as though thousands will be killed for the pleasure of ONE individual.

What we are to see in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is not a political process. It is not remotely linked to a democratic process, but instead is similar to the state "festivals" in North Korea, where thousands are on display for the benefit of Kim Jong Un, in otherwise meaningless displays of adulation. However, in N. Korea, the participants are not at risk of dying due to a pandemic.

How is having Trump given a psychiatric exam a coup? We are seeing mass murderous behavior being initiated for the benefit of ONE, at the expense of potentially over 1000 deaths, in Tulsa in a display which contravenes the working definition of a political process.

We should keep in mind the following: Procedures for commitment for Donald Trump exist



§ 21–521. Detention of persons believed to be mentally ill; transportation and application to hospital.

An accredited officer or agent of the Department of Mental Health of the District of Columbia, or an officer authorized to make arrests in the District of Columbia, or a physician or qualified psychologist of the person in question, who has reason to believe that a person is mentally ill and, because of the illness, is likely to injure himself or others if he is not immediately detained may, without a warrant, take the person into custody, transport him to a public or private hospital, or to the Department, and make application for his admission thereto for purposes of emergency observation and diagnosis.

end of quote

These procedures are NOT a coup. They are to address a HEALTH EMERGENCY. We have one now in terms of D.J. Trump and the ongoing Tulsa fiasco.

It is time to call it for what it is. Trump needs psychiatric intervention.

Andrew Beckwith, PhD


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