Why haven't you "made it" yet?
Yousef Shadid
LinkedIn & Cultural Trainer ?? Ex-Deloitte & EY ?? Communications & Content Manager?? Best-Selling Author
No…This is not a clickbait.
I'm yet to meet someone who doesn’t want to “make it”, whatever that means to them.
In personal branding, “making it” means building a strong brand.
A brand that is literally a cash machine.
Think of GaryVee or Joe Rogan.
They can launch products and have millions buying it tomorrow.
They took action for years.
Rogan is up to his 2000th episode.
Gary shares 100+ pieces of content daily.
It's all about taking action
Take fitness for example.
"Eat well, exercise and you’ll get fit."
You can’t argue with that.
This formula works 100% of the time.
Everyone knows it.
So why isn’t everyone fit?
The answer is clear:
Taking action.
Ever wondered why aren't most people rich, famous, or “successful"?
100+ billion humans have lived here before us.
The information is there. All of humanity's collective knowledge is at your finger tips.
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
So why haven't you "made it?"
How many times have you googled “How to do X?”?
What about those YouTube rabbit holes??
How about asking others for advice?
What happened afterwards?
Did you take action, or did you ask the same questions months later?
You get the point!
It's the exact same with branding.
I had to try all of them.
TikTok, YouTube, IG, Facebook..etc
It’s taken me 100+ posts here to know what works.
I needed 15,000+ tweets to understand branding on Twitter.
It will likely take me another 2 years of personal branding to “make it”.
March 2020 was more than 3 years ago.
Imagine if you started then.
Now stop imagining, and start today.
Your future self will thank you.