Why the government doesn't care about you.
Trent Middleton
Independent consultant, Solving the impossible problems every day, contributing to the world in a positive way. Created the unpressedented course into reading behavior, lie detection and all major investigations.
Not only are you unlikely to receive any help if you are trapped overseas the government traffics in human misery to gain political influence or to suit an agenda, like appeasing other nations we don’t have a good relationship with.
Australians are under the impression that it cares about them we have too much trust and faith in Australia. Australians are targeted more than any other country for fishing cybercrimes we are 20 times more likely to give confidential details and send money on the promise or faith when speaking with another anonymous person than other countries based on statistics published in 2020.
There are established companies we trust blindly in this country and they deliberately use this to sell us products like credit cards and insurance including home, contents, and car. The companies they to use the trust and faith in we have in the company name to sell us these products knowing that the insurance companies will not pay legitimate claims knowing that the hidden fees and other charges including interest is ridiculously inflated. The government protects the companies that prey on us and do not attempt to inform us of the fraud and will not even bother to help you when you are inevitably screwed over. They do this by not applying fines on the odd occasion they do investigate.
We are continuing to become more and more of a nanny state our rights are slowly being taken away from us there is no such thing as freedom anymore we are restricted and controlled on everything we eat drink use for healthcare go shopping for drive buy and invest.
What we watch on tv is controlled by a limited and privileged and connected few, so what we are watching is being used to frighten us, suit an agenda, and control our spending and investing.
We are not allowed to leave the country and are forced to live under the rules and laws made by governments that are not equipped to implement the restrictions and laws without a motive or agenda that suits them. It will always have a caveat attached or a kickback or payoff involved.
The government does not have any motivation to help you when you are in trouble overseas and need the help of our consulate as a matter of fact it is usually in their interest to not just drag their feet but sabotage your future so they can use your misery as leverage with other governments.
We pay more tax in Australia than any other country not only do we lose half our pay in tax as an employee in the top tax bracket we also pay double what America pays on petrol due to tax and cigarette’s cost 90% in tax. We then pay 10% GST on everything we buy plus other taxes and levies on luxury items and other purchases.
There are no advertisements on the truth news does not show the most important and most damaging problems that we face presently this is, so we must look and research the truth for themselves and most don’t out of time limitations or ignorance.
There is a belief that the reserve bank of Australia is owned by Australia however it is a privately owned bank just like the United States Federal Reserve. Decisions that governments make are done so with research showing that it does not support the decisions, banning lifesaving medications or still trying to give the Astra Zeneca vaccine to us even after they were aware it caused blood clots.
The government shut down the entire nightlife in Sydney using manipulated statistics showing the reasons why it was shut down was not the real resoson. The restrictions fell a few metres short of the 2 casinos in the city so they could still trade 24/7 and support the owners that supported their political campaigns.
Trent Middleton