Why GOD is Silent And Christmas is a Secret
Bruce Pittman
"Love is the only way to a better future." - Speaker -- Writer -- Hospice Chaplain
Most likely you’ve had a few prayers ignored. I have.?
Well, I felt like they were ignored. It was like GOD had gone holiday and wasn’t answering His calls. And I wondered, “Is GOD prone to just head out without telling me?" Not that He owes me an explanation or anything. Still, it left me feeling a little uncertain about Him and His promises.?
But then I read the Christmas story and finally realized something. He was just hiding from me. ?
Feel better now??
Probably not. Your prayers are still unanswered, right? But take heart. When GOD is hiding, it’s a good thing.?
Umm, you need to explain that, Bruce.?
You see a pattern in the Bible where GOD acts secretly and it's powerful. For instance, in the OT, the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt. They’re praying for divine intervention. For decades! What is GOD doing? He’s hiding in the woods.?
He’s working with a guy. Named Moses. But no one knew. Until the day he showed up. When he did, everything changed.?
Centuries later, Israel is in a similar situation living under the oppression of a tyrant. But this time, the oppressor is Rome. Again, GOD seems to be ignoring their prayers. But He’s not. He hiding in the woods. He’s working with a young boy with elderly parents. Named John. But no one knew. Until the day he showed up. When he did, everything changed.?
However, John’s story was the prequel. In the bigger story, GOD is hiding in the woods of Galilee working with an unwed couple. She’s pregnant. The time comes for the baby to be born and . . . Well, you know the story. GOD was working behind the scenes. And only a few knew.?
Christmas is such a secret celebration, isn’t it? Think about all of the hiding that goes on at Christmas. I remember helping my brother-in-law put together a trampoline one Christmas eve in the dark. I remember hiding purchases from my wife and presents from my sons. One memorable Christmas from childhood was the year I went rogue. I snuck into the living room and opened up a present hoping it was the Monday Night Football game with Roger Staubach on the front. It was. (I’ve never told anyone this secret, so let’s keep it to ourselves.) Then there’s Santa and the sketchy story of him breaking into every single home on the globe within 24 hours! But no one ever sees him and yet everyone knows about it.?
There’s a lot of whispering and secrecy at Christmas and it feels like everyone is part of a fun conspiracy, doesn’t it? It’s a subtle reminder that GOD does His most amazing work in the hidden places where no one sees or knows.
Like a seed in the ground,?
Or a bird in an egg,?
Or a baby in a womb.
Are you beginning to see what I meant about our prayers feeling ignored? It’s possible, even probable, that GOD is hiding.
And doing something amazing.
Something you couldn’t understand.
GOD does His best work in secret. ?
The reason I point this out is because a lot of people are feeling a bit desperate these days. And when you’re feeling desperate, it’s easy to quit. It’s easy to quit believing. “Just take matters into your own hands,” you hear. It’s insecurity. It’s fear. It’s a head fake from the enemy. It’s a scam. Don’t fall for it!?
?"Just because GOD is silent doesn't mean He's absent."
-- Andy Stanley
GOD’s hiddenness is a reason for hope, not for worry. Remember the secret place of Mary’s womb? GOD was growing a baby boy who would be called:?
the Christ,?
the Savior of the world,
?the Prince of peace,?
Immanuel — GOD is with us.?
But only a few knew.?
I don’t know the circumstances of your prayer these days, whether it’s health, finances, relationships, or _______. GOD is not ignoring you. He’s actively at work so don’t listen to the fear. Remind yourself regularly (like several times a day) that GOD does His best work in secret and He’s working on your behalf. And it’s a beautiful thing.
Choose to live with hope, not fear.?
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1 年Feeling desperate is real Bruce Pittman But never quit onto hope even in silence.
1 年Excellent reminder, Bruce!!