Why Is Gamification Good for Learning?
How often do you not feel like learning and instead immerse yourself in something that seems more fun? It can happen a lot, even though no one likes the frustration we experience afterward for not finishing our duties or using our time more productively. Why is it sometimes so hard to find motivation for learning? Once we actually start, everything gets much easier, but it can take some time to make that first move, get back to learning regularly and stay consistent. On the contrary, we are always ready to dive into games of any kind. Wouldn’t it be perfect if we could mix those two and experience the advantages of both at the same time? This is where gamified learning environments enter the scene. Gamification is the process of adding gaming elements to learning material in order to inspire and motivate learners. There is no sense of duty or something we have to put much effort into and yet we end up with our knowledge or skills enhanced.
Why is gamification good for learning? What would be the pros of gamified learning environments? Is the motivation to learn the only reason to use gamification? How effective is learning in this way? How much does it differ from traditional methods when it comes to efficiency and the results we achieve? Let’s explore how gamification impacts learners and how we could benefit from gamified learning environments.?
1. Gaming elements as a motivation factor we were searching for?
Motivation coming from gaming elements has a lot to do with rewards, but not the classic ones used in traditional learning. Badges, leaderboards and levels remind us of games that have no duty, stress or difficulty in oneself. They rather conduct a sense of fun and relaxation, than worry about how we will perform. This produces dopamine in our bodies knowing that we will participate in something new, interesting and engaging. Learning is not a passive process. We don’t use the same or predictable methods all the time to gain knowledge, instead, it is more adventurous. Real challenges are put in front of us and if we don’t solve them, competitors will run us over. Just thinking is exciting. Gamified learning environments are able to make you laugh or at least smile.?
2. Gamification makes learning faster
As you consider the gamified learning platform exciting and enjoyable, you‘ll get back to it more often. You won’t be so easily distracted by something “more fun” anymore. Consequently, you get to finish lessons earlier because you are consistent. Next to that, competition and rewards drive you forward and you strive to get to your goals as soon as possible. To get to the next level, you must learn and apply your knowledge. The one who achieves the best results wins. Whether you ultimately win or not, the fact is - your knowledge stays with you and that is exactly the main purpose of gamification.
3. Gamification finds some great ways to insert effective learning methods?
In gamified learning environments, students can get instant feedback, track their progress with no stress or pressure and still remain motivated to achieve more. Confrontation of challenges right after learning grows their capacity to implement knowledge in reality later on. No matter how much there is to learn in front of you, you won’t get overwhelmed or bored in gamified learning environments. What students often deter from learning is the feeling that lessons will be complicated, hard to understand and boring. Learning material is divided into very small segments, shaped in different formats or presented in some original way. Gamification aims to create an intuitive environment where students find their way around easily. Rather than passively participating by listening, in gamification, you will be engaged and active through every lesson. This way, you retain gained knowledge much longer.
4. It adjusts to different kinds of learners?
Do you know what your learning style is? This is a method of learning which enables you to master the lessons in the easiest and fastest way. Each individual has a way of learning that suits them the most. Do you prefer to listen, see, write or do? Maybe you have never thought of it, but if you start observing, one of these gives you the best results. Gamification offers you learning with visuals, text, voice, videos and tasks. This way, you get to explore in which area you are getting the best results and what type of learner you are. All users with different learning styles can find something that suits them. Once you figure out how you learn the best, you can choose your preferred gamified learning environments further on.
5. You can find more people to learn with you?
There is this cool and fun platform that everyone is on, except you. Would you be interested to see what it’s all about? How do you feel about joining in? It seems like gamification is able to create fear of missing out. In this case, since it’s all about learning, it won’t be such a bad thing at all. Gamification can include a lot of people in one place. It can be through individual or team tournaments, competitions, forums for chatting or simply comments below every lesson. You get to share your thoughts, doubts or impressions with other people equally interested in a topic as you.?
Gamification finds a perfect place for itself in digitalization. There is no information we can’t find on the web nowadays. Knowledge is at our disposal like it has never been before. Still, a great part of this capacity stays unused because internet entertainment draws so much of our attention. Gamification can motivate us to use our time and learning opportunities much better.?
Article by NOVELIC