The future needs more "Progressive" Food Companies?
The world faces big challenges. What can we do about it??
The humongous progress that humanity has made in the last 50 years is truly mind-boggling. Yet, the gifts of progress have come at a very high cost. On one hand, we are staring at imminent global-scale threat in form of climate change, and on the other hand, we are seeing the unprecedented surge in lifestyle and food induced health problems across the world. This is happening as we could face food security challenges in the near future owing to the exploding global population. There are enough tomes written about how this situation come to pass. The personal take away for me is that, a lot of problems that we see today, is owing to massive over exploitation of natural resources and gross oversight of deleterious health impacts in relentless pursuit of commercial profits. While businesses usually takes the rap for all the ills, the problem also has got to do with mindless consumer consumption. It should be left to the social psychologists and other experts to ponder about who is to be held responsible for this. However, a more reasonable approach will be to ask ourselves, what we can do about this problem. As a business owner, it has always been on my mind as to what can I personally do about this.?
It is always good to err on the side of good!?
Very early on, I decided to enter into the food business with clear goals in mind. We started out as an International Trading house dealing in dairy and food produce. Today we are a more diverse group. But all our businesses are based on a simple yet sacrosanct premise – At Komatha Group of companies, we care about bringing food and food ingredients that are exceptionally good in quality, which are produced with minimal carbon footprint. We also care about ethical sourcing and ensure that we contribute towards economic sustenance and upliftment of local farmers and producers.?
Having lofty Ideals is easy. Walking the high path is another thing.?
Embarking on the right path and setting lofty ideals has never been easy. There is always a risk of over-claim or falling short on the ideals, advertently or inadvertently. The holy grail will remain that in the perfect world we need to have perfect solution. Our food should be produced with "net zero" carbon foot print and should be 100% scientifically validated to be healthy. There has to be no room for compromise. In an ideal world this is how things should be.
The “Ideal World” is a moving goal post?
The ideal world is however a moving goal post. What we think as an ideal food or product today, may not turn out to be ideal in the future or in the hindsight. Businesses therefore have to be alert and open to new evidences and evolve relentlessly.?
The case in the point??
Dairy cow milk has long been regarded as nature's perfect diet, providing a valuable source of nutrients such as high-quality proteins, carbs, and a variety of micronutrients. Caseins and whey proteins make up more than 95 percent of the proteins in cow milk. Beta casein is the second most prevalent protein in the casein family and has a good nutritional balance of amino acids. Different mutations in the bovine beta casein gene have resulted in 12 genetic variations, the most prevalent of which are A1 and A2.
A1 beta-casein - Milk from northern European cow breeds has a high concentration of A1 beta-casein.Holstein, Friesian, Ayrshire, and British Shorthorn are among these breeds.
A2 beta-casein - Milk with a high A2 beta-casein content is mostly found in Channel Island and southern French breeds. Guernsey, Jersey, Charolais, and Limousin cows are among them.
People who drink milk with a high concentration of the -casein A2 variety have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and type 1 diabetes.
According to epidemiological studies, however, consumption of beta-casein A1 milk has been linked to type 1 diabetes, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, sudden infant death syndrome, autism, and schizophrenia. Reduced A1 milk intake has been linked to a reduction in autistic and schizophrenia symptoms in a number of studies conducted in the United States and Europe.
The moot point - what happens when out of all good intent, you are invested in a product which eventually is revealed to have issues??
Our Approach – Be Aggressively progressive?
The world can't switch to zero carbon emissions or 100% healthy alternatives in one day. Yet, we can't maintain the status quo. Hence it will be our corporate policy to evolve our product portfolio aggressively to comply with scientifically and ethically validated “Goodness” of product. As a corporate policy, we have chosen to incorporate the new scientific evidence in our offering as part of our Kau Tapu brand. Kau Tapu represents our international business in high quality dairy ingredients for the international food brands. Going forward, Kau Tapu will only deal with dairy products and ingredients from A2 cows only.??
Komatha Group - Our Way Forward
"Be a Progressive Global Good Food Company"?
As a Progressive Global Good Food Company, Komatha group will actively pursue the objective of helping its global consumers make good food choices by giving them better options. Therefore, brands and products from the house of Komatha will be -?
What Next??
As a business owner and food industry professionals, I would love to hear from the fraternity about your personal views and opinion about the way forward for the industry and the profession. I would be very happy to connect with progressive food companies and professionals to explore a joint future together.?
Please do inbox me. Let the conversations begin!