Why is Freedom of Speech So Emotinal?
Louise Hallam
Helping senior leaders & visionaries consciously connect, so that you can effortlessly create a stress free future that excites you | Medicine Woman | Conscious Vision Mentor | Tackle your Stress Octopus | ??
It's been a while since I've shared anything in this newsletter, if fact I'd put it into semi-retirementment, but the insight I've been receiving over the weekend felt too important to not share. This is a copy of a post from my blog, if you do want to hear more from me, then I would subscribe to The Wisdom Path .
These insights have been coming though all weekend and it felt too important not to share. To the point where they were still coming through as I was going to sleep last night and I jumped out of bed this morning, so that I didn’t forget anything. I’ll keep it short.
In my last post the Freedom of Speech ancestral wound came through. We are being asked to shift our mindset on what this means. We are being asked to transcend the fearful emotions into peace and love for the greater good.
Why is freedom of speech so emotional? When we think about it, we might bring to mind people marching with placards, shaking their fists and generally spoiling for a fight. If you think about the people who have stood up and spoken out in the past.
For equality, for injustice, for change, real monumental change then they were putting themselves at risk of harm, being ostracised, experiencing suffering and paying the ultimate sacrifice with their lives. Martin Luther King, the Suggfragettes, anyone who has ever stood up for the rights of their indigenous community, to name a few.
As a collective from our consiousness when we exercise our freedom of speech, up until now we have been connecting into fearful energy. The energy of our ancestors who were there to create radical change or dared to put there head above the parapet. We now add the activists, the inventors, the alchemists, the new age thinkers to the healers, priestesses, warlocks, witches and warriors.
We are experiencing a collective shift of power. Our connection to what we care about, what we have no choice but to share is a deeper connection to the collective. This now begins to shift the one power, one control to a collective consciousness focused on peace and love. The summer of love of the 60's was the same, it couldn't be ignored.
The tides are turning and the mass of people, the liberators, who have life changing messages and missions for humanity has reached a critical mass. It's reached a tipping point, which is the sign that we have been waiting for, but that means there is a clash of energies, there is dark against light. You might be on the receiving end of this. Through unwanted attention, censorship and isolation.
You'll feel like you want to give up. Now is the time to STAND up and know that others are doing the same. You will feel them, you will connect with them, you will gather. It's a movement, it's a freedom movement.
Blessings of love and light,
Louise x
The Goddess channelings that I’ve promised for a while are finally complete with Goddess Aphrodite, Goddess Isis and Priestess of Avalon. All three will be available on 6/11 for paid members before they go on general release 11/11. You can preorder for £44, (£88 from 11/11) or take a monthly membership by upgrading.
If you would like to go deeper on your healing journey you can visit my website. Bespoke healing can be discussed by request.