Why Foundation Repairs fail!
Richard Rash
Foundation Repair Consultant | 40+ Years Experience. Foundation repair companies sell piers...I provide solutions.. Call/text 817-308-8186
Out of the hundreds of unsatisfactory foundation repair jobs I have been called upon to examine, the number one reason for customer dissatisfaction has been because piers were installed and lifts made when piers should not have been installed and lifts should not have been made. It is a fact that most foundation repair companies in North Texas, and many other areas, use computerized, or other types of levels to determine cause and treatment of foundation movement.
Computerized level.
It is also true that in most, if not all cases, this is junk science and in my opinion borders on fraud. As far as I know, it is impossible to determine, by taking elevations, without a benchmark to sea-level, whether a foundation has:
- heaved (raised) in one area
- or settled (dropped) in another area
- or was poured out of level.
That means you must have a constant mark, from the time of construction, to compare with. And in thirty-six years in the business, I have never seen one for residential property.
What happens is commissioned pier salesmen,
or others who will benefit from the sale of piers, will walk the slab, find a high point and calling it zero. Then, it would seem that any areas of the foundation that Is below that arbitrary elevation must need to be lifted. However, if the high point is heaved and the low point is at original grade, then when piered and lifted, that section of the foundation will be secured at an un-natural level, while the original heaved section of the foundation will either experience additional upheaval if left untreated, or settle back to near as built if drainage or plumbing is fixed, while the piered area will still be secured at the wrong elevation.
When these things happen most warranties do not cover these type of redo’s, so you are out all of that money and usually need to start over.
Another point to remember: Interior piers, piers that are placed other than on the exterior foundation are almost never needed on monolithic slabs. If the center shows to be down by elevations or just feel, it is almost always that the exterior perimeter beam has heaved and lifted above grade or has been lifted above original grade during previous piering.
Be very careful and consult a professional that is not trying to sell you piers before considering lifting the interior slab.
Other reasons for failed repairs include using the wrong piers for the job, too many piers for the job and not maintaining the soil's moisture after the job.
This is one of the main reasons that homeowners should invest in a consultant, and realtors should advise their clients of the benefit of expert advice from someone who in not selling repair methods.
Bottom line: Be sure, before you pier!
Due to the extreme proliferation of inexperienced, and untrained foundation repair salesmen whose job it is to sell as many piers as possible, it Is highly recommended that consumers, particularly homeowners, seek the advice of an independent expert before contracting foundation repair. I can save you time, money and prevent a lot of stress.
I will be glad to provide more information.
Contact me Richard Rash at 817-308-8186.
My email [email protected].
Blog: www.foundationmanspeaks.com.
Best bet: See a consultant!
Watch my informative video Scams, Myths, Frauds, and omissions.