Why following the Software Development Cycle (SDC) is crucial for effective software development projects?
It is quite probable that many of you have heard about the Software Development Cycle (SDC). In this article, I would like to share with you some of views on this model. I have no doubt that SDC provides stabilization and efficiency for developed products. For years, we have been using it in Codest and I can assure you that here it has definitely passed the exam.
Here are some of my observations on the individual phases of the Software Development Cycle:
At the initial stage of the SDC, all the necessary information about the project must be collected. Contact all the people, who may have any useful information - customers, developers, sales (if they set the details of a project with a client) and etc. In this way, you will have to identify software and design needs and identify possible threats as well. You will require this knowledge in the second stage - planning.
This stage includes the following phases:
- detailed planning of a project work,
- determining the development team size,
- scheduling,
- cost planning.
The role of a client is utterly important as it will help you make all plans clear. In case you have already created a list of product functionality, consulted and accepted it together with the client - you can be sure that both of you have a shared vision. Also don’t forget about communication aspects - determine how the course of project work will be reported. In this way, the development stage will run smoothly.
Design and prototyping
At the next stage, your team goes on to develop a product model. Designers can develop a Design Document Specification (DDS) that will include the proposed product architecture. The model approach clearly defines all the architectural modules of the product along with its data flow system. The prototype should be approved by the client. Only then can the development phase begin.
Development (building)
Now, the developers can start their coding work. They use the previously chosen technology. At this stage, it is important to stick to the methods that allow you to efficiently organize the work of the entire team in accordance with the Agile principles. One of them is Scrum, which we also use here in Codest. Any alternatives? For example, the Waterfall methodology.
Speaking of development, I can recommend you the MVP model. Ideally, it works primarily in a software development project. It allows you to achieve the first functionalities in a very short time and reduces the potential risks associated with incorrect identification of product needs. More about this model you can read here.
Verification of the generated product functionalities is the next stage. It should be checked whether the developers have done their work in accordance with the documentation adopted at the beginning of the project and whether the code is highly qualitative. It's also a right time for eliminating any possible bugs.
When the product is tested, it is to be implemented on the market. This process can be launched in stages (depending on the specificity of the project).
The manufactured product usually requires constant monitoring. In case of any problems or any need to expand the software, the developers start working. Basically, the maintenance phase can be determined in three words: bug fixing, upgrade, enhancement.
So why SDC is so crucial for effective developing projects?
The answer is pretty simple: this model ensures stability and transparency of the entire development process - both on the developers 'and clients' sides. At Codest, we use it in our projects, thanks to which all works are systematized and we are able to any avoid unexpected threats to product development.
Maybe you have any your own thoughts or experience on the software development cycle, let me know. I will gladly know your views.