Why flexible working works for me..
Shannon Rowlands
Rec2Rec - placing the best Recruiters across the North West & Yorkshire | ?? 07799 282871
This blog is about how you can work smarter and are more productive when given increased flexibility in the workplace, and why more employers should start to do it.
The traditional 9-5 bums-on-seats model feels a little restrictive and is slowly becoming no more as technology has enables us to be connected 247, so this makes remote working more achievable than ever.
One thing I’ve seen more and more this year when meeting candidates and from speaking to friends, is that flexible working is becoming a greater need when looking for a new role, even more than money in some situations. This is for all ages too including people like myself, the millennials.
One of the many benefits of working at Qui is that we work within a shared work space environment at Workplace, and I do feel lucky to have the ability to work from home one day a week.
Why it’s good for me:
You may think that one of the greatest perks of working from home is the pyjama dress code & no makeup (unless you have meetings of course!) but for me, still being in my early career in recruitment and being given this freedom makes me feel really valued in what I do. It makes me feel generally more productive and empowered to prove that I can be trusted to get on with my job.
It makes a greater work-life balance and gives you control of you own schedule, as many often commute they’re usually stuck bumper to bumper or caught up in the train strikes, so increasing flexibility and working from home will allow for work to still be done. Plus you'll feel refreshed and less stressed!
You can manage your own time and get things done which would have been more difficult/ inconvenient otherwise. Even this morning I had an engineer come to fix my oven.. if I wasn’t given the flexibility I would have to book time off work.
How I stay productive whilst I’m working from home:
- I (try) to go to the gym before I start work in the morning.
- Be sure to take a break and to get out on your lunch to keep your mind more alert.
- To sit at a desk like it’s a work environment.... not from your bed, or an accidental nap may happen.
- Speak to and check in with my boss throughout the day - Whatsapp is my new best friend!
- Have the radio on in the background as it would be back in the office. I try to avoid having the TV on as I would get distracted by 'This Morning and Loose Women'.
Why employers should enable it:
It benefits employers too!
- It boosts employee engagement, with better technology we are able to stay better connected, so a good level of communication when away from the office is easily accessible from being at home.
- It increases staff retention as they feel more valued, trusted and generally happier. Placing trust in staff generates loyalty and commitment and passion in what they do!
- Improves staffs well-being – less tired, overwhelmed and stressed so overall they’re more productive and makes better results. This also creates less sickness days too!
- As a great deal of trust is given, a stronger relationship is built between both parties.
So we all want a sense of meaning and purpose at work, and with greater technology and flexibility will create more fulfilling working environments.
Do you get the flexibility in your current organisation? How do you remain productive?