Why in the first place it was needed after all? ChatGPT we are talking about.

Since November 2022, almost every techie is talking about ChatGPT, across the globe. What is so special about this model extensively marketed by the CEO of AI that launched it? And most importantly, is it really something that we should be scared of when the users or for that matter the competitors are speaking about its drawbacks or chaos that it might create, if not regulated for the authenticity and humanness that overrules the IT world, till date.

Today, on 'World Press Freedom Day', would like to reveal what we grew up learning from our school teachers, college lecturers or our parents who worked as academic professionals in their respective careers.

Any robot or bot no matter how unbelievably useful can ever replace human touch or the critical thinking ability of humans. It might prove beneficial in crunch times, to get tasks done in a matter of seconds, but it simply cannot add essence of logical reasoning or usage of fundamental rules that are widely accepted to write English language. And so, most other LLMs i.e. Large Language Models too cannot flourish in future as the bots do come with lots of fabrication and very little scope for algorithmic platforms.

Before penning down this post, read a news piece in today's ET and did some random Google research to understand the hype that ChatGPT AI created for quite some time only to find it is nothing more than another college dropout's failed creation. Period.


