Why is the Finished Product so Different from the Prototype that i Saw?
Elsa Schlaudraff
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We all know the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover." But what about products? We often judge them by their prototypes. We see a product that is still in development, and we assume that the finished product will look and function exactly as the prototype did.
Unfortunately, this is not always the case. The finished product is often very different from the prototype. So why is this? Why are products so different from their prototypes? There are several reasons for this. This article will explore those reasons in detail.
Why Does My Final Product Look Different Than the Prototype?
There are several reasons why a final product will not look or even function exactly as the prototype did. Some of these reasons include:
Different Material for the Final Product
One reason the final product might look different from the prototype is because of a different material. The final product is often made out of different materials than the prototype. For example, the prototype might be made out of plastic, while the final product is made of metal. This can cause a lot of differences in how the product looks and functions.
Lower Volume
Another reason that a final product might not look or function exactly like the prototype did is that the volume of the product might be different. When a company prototypes a product, they often test it in small quantities. This is because it is cheaper and easier to do so. However, when they are ready to mass-produce the product, they need to make it in a much higher volume. This can lead to some changes in the design of the product and how it functions.
Processes Change
As a product goes through the manufacturing process, it often changes. This is because different machines and processes are used in mass production. So, while the prototype might have been made using one machine, the final product will likely be made with a different machine. This can lead to some small changes in the design of the product.
Incorrect Data Input in the Production
One of the most common reasons for a final product being different from the prototype is incorrect data input in the production process. This can happen for several reasons, such as human error or machine error. When this happens, it can lead to products that are smaller than they should be, that function improperly, or that have other defects.
Lighter Weight
One of the reasons a final product can look different from its prototype is because it is often lighter weight. This can be due to several factors, such as changes in the materials used or a decrease in the product's overall size. When a product is lighter weight, it can often look and feel different than the prototype. This is because a lighter-weight product may not have the same durability or functionality as a heavier-weight product.
Changes Were Made to Enhance Final Product After Seeing the Prototype
Finally, the final product might look different from the prototype because changes may have been made to the product after seeing the prototype. These changes may have been made to enhance the final product.
Such changes can result in a product that looks very different from the prototype. And, while sometimes these changes can be good, they can also be bad. It all depends on what changes were made and why they were made.
Is It Okay if My Final Product Doesn’t Look Like the Prototype?
Whether or not a final product looking different from the prototype is okay depends on some factors.
First, it depends on why the changes were made. If the changes were made to improve the product, that is usually a good thing. However, if the changes were made for other reasons, such as to save money or to fix defects, then that is not as good.
It also depends on how severe the changes are. If the changes are so severe that the product looks nothing like what the investor is expecting, or the product functionality is compromised, that is not good.
In the end, it is up to the investor to decide whether or not they are okay with a final product that looks different than the prototype.
There are many reasons why the finished product might differ from what you see in a prototype. In any case, it's important to understand how these design differences can affect your investment decision-making process when looking at prototypes versus finished products!