Why "Fine" Is the Most Dangerous Word in Your?Life?

Why "Fine" Is the Most Dangerous Word in Your?Life?

Wake Up! Stop Sabotaging Your Own Life and Start?Living

Do you ever feel like your life has just been reduced to routines, that jetting between work and home leaves no time for actually living the way you want?

If that is you, you're not alone; one in three US Americans is actually not satisfied with their life.

The thing is you do not have to stay stuck. And that time is now: Stop grumbling around and start living your life!

So, What Do You Actually?Want?

Just pause and think of what you really want…

You need to have what you want, and not that which is expected but real.

Do you want to lose weight?

Start a business?

Find love?

Travel the world?

Admit it to yourself.

Stop Sabotaging Your Own Life?—?Photo by

Letting go of what you desire is the first step in getting what you want.

The only problem is that many people have a hard time taking that first step.


Because they don't want to acknowledge it, or even worse yet, have deluded themselves into thinking that “all is well” without it.

Come on now, are you really okay?

Or is that what you have merely been telling yourself because it was just easier to stay the same and not face discomfort in your life or an opportunity for change?

Stop Sabotaging Your Own Life?—?Photo by

Whether it is big or small, a goal you have in your mind MUST be placed on paper away from hesitation.

Writing down your resolutions is significant because papers are real, and they will become a point of reference.

The Trouble With Being?“Good”

The F-word to end all F-words in the language of self-sabotage is really just that one, the small four-letter word “fine.”

That is one of the methods to throw in the towel even before you have begun.

When you say “I’m okay” and mean it, what you are saying is that “I am not happy but unwilling to adjust.”

Stop Sabotaging Your Own Life?—?Photo by

Why do we do this?

Because change is hard.

It is easier to put our heads in the sand and say we are okay. But guess what?

Being “fine” is a?trap.
It is a practice to prevent you from your real?life.

Try saying your life is “amazing” instead of “fine.”

What would change?

How would you feel?

And what, more importantly, what have you changed?

As a practical tip, begin replacing the word “fine” with actual words.

If you feel unsatisfied, acknowledge it.

Are you kicking ass, then celebrate it!

Being honest allows for the possibility of change to begin at all!!!

The Improbability of Being?Yourself

The likelihood of you specifically being born at the time and with your exact DNA is 1 in 400 TRILLION.

Actually, you read it correctly?—?1 for over 400 trillion!

Now let that digest for a moment.

You are literally one in a trillion.

You were not put on this earth to be okay.

You were created to be great, and there is a difference with which you have been born.

You are special!

And yet, so many of us squander this amazing opportunity by aiming for average.

We allow fear, doubt and the strangle of security to keep us from doing so.

Yet, if you were to openly accept the singularity of your creation what would change for you a lot?

Consider the nonsensically insane odds of you. Let it drive you to the things you have been too scared to go after.

When You Stop Snoozing Your?Life

We all have that “inner snooze button.”

The part of us that stops our dreams, and desires as soon as they have something good!

Feature creep code isn’t an issue in the present, but it can be deferred indefinitely: later never comes.

Stop Sabotaging Your Own Life?—?Photo by

When you hit the snooze button on your life, all you do is push back and just stay there.

The first choice you make in the morning sets up your entire day.

What message you are giving to yourself that even your first decision is to hit the snooze button?

Then, set your alarm 30 minutes earlier tomorrow morning.

When it goes off, you spring up like a toaster?—?no snooze.

Starting your day on a positive note can easily influence how the rest of it goes.

You Will Never Feel Like It?—?and That’s?Okay

The hard truth is that you are not going to feel like doing these things will change your life.

From running, to blogging/writing your business or having a tough conversation; motivation does not just fall onto you.

In scientific terms, this is called activation energy?—?the amount of force that it takes to at least get you in midair between your current state and the ideal one.

Stop Sabotaging Your Own Life?—?Photo by

The key here is to cease waiting for it all to click into place and just start.

Remember when you were a little kid and your mom or dad made you do that thing that was so un-fun to be doing i.e. cleaning up after yourself, homework?

As adults, we have to be our own parents.

We have to will ourselves to do what we don’t want so that we can be who it is in our hearts.

The next time you procrastinate, remember that you don’t have to feel like doing things for the action to follow.

Take small steps, one at a time.

Breaking the Monotony and Learning to Grow?Up

It can be nice to have a routine, but it will keep you from growing.

We get up, go to work or school, and do the same thing over and over again every day.

No wonder we feel stuck!

To thrive, you have to get out of your routine.

This does not have to mean you quit your job and move across the country (though it can if that is appropriate for you) but do something different.

Change should be a part of everyday life, like walking down a different street to work one morning trying out that new craft/hobby the other week, or even saying “hi” to some acquaintances you run into…

If you feel trapped, it is not because your life is defective.

Stop Sabotaging Your Own Life?—?Photo by

It means that something in your soul wants to find this industry. Your body, mind, and soul are programmed to evolve.

Then why not reward yourself with new experiences?

So, attempt to do one thing differently every day for the next week.

It may be as little as driving a different way to work or doing something you have never done before.

Feel how more alive you are by these tiny several tweaks.

5 Second?Rule

The Five Second Rule is simple: you have an impulse to do something (in my case it is making up workouts before and during work), you have 5 seconds to act on that.

Because if you don’t, your brain will slam on the emergency brake and kill that moment.

This rule stems from the way our brain is designed to protect us.

Your brain will register it as dangerous and halt you from moving ahead.

If you can do it in less than 5 seconds, your brain will kill the idea before it is even out of your mouth to protect that habit loop and avoid change.

Now when you feel like doing what it takes to grow, start counting 5–4–3–2–1….

Don’t let your brain talk you out of it.

In these situations, the 5-Second Rule can be your kryptonite to procrastination.


You will be okay because you are too strong.

Your dream life is attainable but you need to stop sabotaging it.

No more hitting the snooze button and waiting for motivation to show up.

One in 400 trillion, let that resonate with you.

The world needs your dreams, ideas, and potential.

No more let fear, doubt, or habit hold you.

Create a life that is worthy of who you are innately born as; it is in your court from here on out.

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