Why finding out your GlycanAge could put more time on the clock
GlycanAge founder Gordan Lauc on understanding the role inflammation plays in healthspan and longevity – and testing it.
Glycans are important, but often overlooked building blocks of life; the surfaces of all cells are covered with a thick layer of glycans and they are linked to the aging of our immune system, meaning that they can reveal how we are changing on the inside.
Glycans attach to immunoglobulins and analysis of this can play a role in determining biological age; GlycanAge, which was founded by Professor Gordan Lauc, analyzes the level of low-grade chronic inflammation in order to calculate a person’s biological age, by analyzing glycans on the main protein of the immune system – immunoglobulin G.
My take on this: Changes in glycan composition can regulate inflammatory responses, aid viral immune escape, regulate apoptosis and promote cancer cell metastasis. Glycans integrate genetic, epigenetic and environmental information into physiological processes that are vital in all aspects of health and disease, so by unlocking the potential of the human glycome, GlycanAge is enabling its customers to better navigate biological age diagnostics and disease prevention. To find out more about the GlycanAge test, I sat down with Professor Lauc.
Gordan Lauc…
Knowing your enemy
Inflammation consumes a huge amount of energy and induces small amounts damage all around the body – small scars occur after the inflammation. Research shows that many complex diseases have inflammation in their background, and as we age, more and more we should consider inflammation as our enemy – especially low-grade chronic inflammation.
Learn more insights on inflammation, healthspan and longevity from Professor Lauc HERE.
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Very interesting, thank you for sharing. Gordan Lauc how do you explain that Amazon indigenous groups have high level of inflammation and slow aging? Did you have the chance to measure their GlycanAge in comparison to ours?