Why FIFA Esports should capitalise on the success of the Lionesses in England and Euro 2022
The summer months gave us mixed feelings about Women's Football, something that is replicated in Female FIFA Esports that we see everyday at ECL Gaming.
The mix of adulation and support that the Lionesses managed to capture and also of concern. Concern that many men wish to gatekeep football, tabloids and influential social media outlets are happy to goad along click bait stories and whip up sexism and misogynistic comments. Something all too familiar in the Esports and Gaming space.
We have seen grown men commenting on social media posts looking to merely sell England shirts for the Euros descend into absolute mind boggling prejudice. Something that I have seen last night from the Daily Mail here. Facebook alight with thousands of laughing faces and derogatory comments. Why?
Women's football is growing in England and is now the largest participation sport in the country for women to take part in. The FA took over Women's Football in 1993 and although the journey was long, we now have the best Women's team in Europe and possibly globally.
Naturally you will expect to see more females picking up EA Sports FIFA 23 which for the first time also features a female player (Sam Kerr of Chelsea) on the cover of the ultimate edition. A second revenue stream or even a full time career is possible with the correct support from the very beginning of women's esports and gaming careers and ECL exist to facilitate this.
In the FIFA Esports world this is likely to not even see more than a few females venture into the world of FIFA content creation or esports from England, why? There are many reasons why, some of which we will cover below:
There should be more women in the FIFA esports and gaming space in FIFA 23 due to the success of the Lionesses. For this to be a reality we need to give females a safe place to play, create formats and tournaments for them to take part in. We need brands to support and orgs to be curious as to who they sign.
If you would like to support us on this journey in any way please reach out to [email protected] for player related enquiries and [email protected] for partnership enquiries.
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Caz May, Mirza (Nas) B, Paul McConkey, Bj?rn Rüssel, Jacob Derisz,