Why the field of data?
This is a very common question I get asked. It has a very simple answer for me as this was a very concious decision. I did not come in the field of data because it was fancy.
I am a computer science graduate and normally CS grads pick the field of development. I also tried development but I realized very early that this is not what i wanted to do everyday 9-5. I always liked doing different stuff and i can not be sitting against a black screen for the rest of my life.
I have always been a vocal person and I like to talk. I want to do different challenging stuff everyday and the field of data provides me this. Someday I am just working on MS Excel, on another day I might be wrangling data on SQL. Someday I might be on python creating a model or doing EDA. On other days I may be making dashboards on Tableau/Power BI.
This is interesting stuff. I am thinking differently on every environment and makes me happy that I know different and diverse tools. This is what the field of data is. You use whatevery you like to get the answers to your business questions. This is what I like about the field of data.
Also there is a hidden thing that you may not realize now, but it will help you in the future when you are at senior levels. Being in the field of data you also get to know about the business and you can be at the very forefront of the company which I always wanted. I did not want to be a ghost sitting by the wall who nobody in the company knows. This thing will help you in getting the higher level positions and may be the C-level too. Be at the forefront of the company why do you want to be at the back.
This was my motivation to come in the field of data. I would love to know why you are in the field or want to come in this field.
Until then, Basharat, a learning analyst and hopefully a future C-level, signing off.