Why Feng Shui is for Everyone!!
Steve Kodad
International Feng Shui Master | Author | PBS presenter | Real Estate Expert | Feng Shui Staging Professional Certification | Ringling College of Art+Design | Holistic Real Estate
No one needs to care about you more than YOU.?When we become distressed, frustrated, angry, or ill, everyone we come into contact with suffers.
Your fellow workers, your friends, and especially your family need a positive and healthy YOU.?But don’t think Feng Shui is only about having the best YOU!
Your best does influences everyone, but when an environment (home, office, etc.) has the correct changes, all benefit greatly.?ALL can become their BEST!
There are several misconceptions about Feng Shui that you need to know. Feng Shui is NOT any kind of religion, but it does have a mind-body component that helps individuals obtain excellent results.
Feng Shui is NOT about bringing in lots of strange objects.?Actually, a good practitioner will encourage you to take out way more than you bring in.
Feng Shui is NOT just a philosophy created in China.?This art is really based on a lot of common sense and one in which I refer to as an environmental science that has developed, and has kept developing, for many years.?These ideas are found in many cultures under different names around the world.
I’m sure you want what is best for your significant other.?I bet you’d do almost anything to insure your children grow up to be happy, healthy, and successful adults.?But sadly, many people don’t handle the one thing in their lives that has, by far, the biggest impact.
You understand that if a child of yours hangs-out with the wrong crowd in the wrong part of town, that the result has a chance of being a disaster. That is an “ENVIRONMENT”.?That is giving your loved one the wrong information…the wrong type of encouragement.
You see, Feng Shui changes a person’s habits, their thoughts, and their goals for the better.?Feng Shui, like any environment, effects a person’s subconscious.?Our subconscious has been programmed since birth.?You’ve heard “garbage in…garbage out”.?Few statements are truer.?Feng Shui is about creating a sense of security in an individual, which leads to being comfortable in their space, which leads to greater creativity and success.?So, when you start by making an environment “transformed” using Feng Shui, things just start falling in to place easier for you and your family.
Everyone…EVERYONE needs this type of aid.?An ancient environmental science that was put together by trial and error and improved over the years is something that can help us all!
Feng Shui techniques are powerful.?Correcting your home or office will make a big difference over weeks and months.?It is not magic.?It is not a religion.?It is not voodoo.?No…it is a process that helps human beings be their BEST!?