Why feel proud as we don't know what is in store for you
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
It means "what will happen to us in the future". It is usually used in expressions such as "we don’t know what the future has in store for us" or "whatever the future has (or holds) in store for us, we will cope." To have something in store for someone means it is ready and waiting for them (like furniture that has been put "in store", stored away somewhere because you can’t use it at the moment but hope to be able to bring it back out of store and use it at some time in the future). You might say "There was a surprise in store for him when he got home from school. His parents had bought him a new bicycle."
As the future is imagined as a person who has collected and saved (she) the events that who happen. This is an example of a “dead metaphor” — dead because no one who is the phrase is aware that it's metaphorical. It also means that the future has an outcome for each of us that has yet to be revealed. In store means that there is something held back to be given or used at a later time as in you have an item in storage.
Usage would be something like: A commentator for a TV show or cartoon might ask when a hero is caught by the villain “what is in store for our heroes?” This would be to ask what can we expect our heroes to go through as an unknown action from our villain. A hero captured by a villain might ask what the villain had in store for them meaning what will the villain do to our hero and how? It can be used in past tense as in: “what did you have in store for them?” Meaning “what were you going to do to them or for them?” depending on the implication.
Knowingly or unknowingly, human souls are always searching for peace. People tend to search and hope for it in the next job, money, partner, location, title, etc. But, scratching materialism doesn't bring peace. It invokes greed and takes you farther away from peace. It makes people restless and think their condition is due to lack of things. And the race to nowhere continues. Instead of wishing for luck to achieve success, you can wish success by any means. “I wish you success in all your future endeavors.” If your wish come true, then luck, wisdom, help, resources, skill, opportunity must have all contributed in the right measure!
When you genuinely mean it(formal and informal): May your next adventure bring you peace. Let regret never find you. Be well, and prosper. Do yourself justice. Make a difference. Hey kiddo, make it happen. I wish you the best in all that you do. Hope you go where you want to go. Here’s to your future success. Best of luck in the future. I hope all goes well with you. I hope you find peace. May the odds be ever in your favour. Let the best of the past, be the worst of the future. When you actually mean “bye forever”: Have a nice/great life. Goodbye. I hope you find what you’re looking for.
And when you’re being sarcastic: Good luck. …actually, pretty much any of the above could be sarcastic..it’s all in the tone I tell you…I hope you have a successful future. · I wish you a bright future in all your adventures. · I hope God is with you in all your future endeavors. There is no such thing as luck. Nothing happens by chance. Your choices in life are your choices, whether God allows it, well that is his choice.
What's a better saying than good luck in your future endeavors? “I wish you every success in your projects.” “May the Fruit be with you!” “There’s a fifty-fifty chance you’ll succeed., and I am rooting for the positive Fifty” “I don’t generally believe in good luck, but what the heck, I’ll make it an exception in your case and say, ‘Good Luck!’ because I really love you! But let me be clear: I am not using the word Luck in any literal or scientifically valid sense.” Cheers!