Why Fall and Winter Are Great Times for First-Time Buyers
The autumn and winter months are often overlooked as a good buying time. Here’s why you should pay closer attention.
Fall and Winter Could Get You Tax Breaks
You may be able to save money on your spring tax returns by taking advantage of tax incentives associated with purchasing a property in the autumn. You might be able to write off property taxes, mortgage interest, and other costs associated with purchasing a home on your yearly tax return if you close before the end of the year. Your taxable income might be greatly decreased by these tax advantages, maximizing your savings. Completing the purchase in the fall guarantees that you can benefit from these deductions for the current tax year if you're already planning to buy a house.
Competition Isn’t So Stiff
Less competition from other homebuyers is one of the main advantages of purchasing in the fall and winter. There may be intense rivalry in the market due to the possibility of reduced mortgage rates in spring and summer. Because there is usually more inventory available in the fall and winter, buyers have more options and are less likely to be presented with multiple offers.
You Could Get a Better Deal in Winter
Compared to those who close in other months, homebuyers who close in January typically pay 0.51% less. Although that may not seem like much, remember that 0.51% of a home's price can add up to thousands of dollars. Since home sales typically slow down in the winter, most sellers are more eager to get a house off the market. Because of this, you will have greater leverage over the seller than you would in May or June, when sellers are typically able to demand higher prices for their properties.
You Might Close Faster in Winter
Mortgage brokers often fall behind on their business since the real estate market picks up so much in the spring and summer. Your mortgage broker won't have as much time to devote to finishing your paperwork if you purchase during the warmer months, you will have to wait longer to close. If you purchase in the winter, you may be able to close much more quickly.
Call Lesa Miller at (812) 360-3863 or go online at https://lesamillerrealestate.com/ where you can read her posts on other social media accounts and websites.