Why "Fake It Till You Make It", Is Bad Advice
If I had a penny for the amount of times I heard people give the advice, of faking it till you make it, I would be a very rich man.
I personally think it is very bad advice.
In fact I don't think it is advice at all.
I have heard it said to those embarking on entrepreneurship.
To those who are afraid of speaking in public.
To those who have been identified as potential leaders.
And the list goes on and on.
This trite meme has found its way into podcasts, motivational speeches, countless social media posters and I even heard it on radio a number of weeks back. Why?
So here are my simple questions.
Why would anyone encourage you to pretend to be something that you are not?
Why should you have to fake something when you want to be taken seriously or as a person with integrity?
Let me give an example.
In the UK the owners of limited companies are called Managing Directors. It is simply a role that shows you run that company. Whether it is just you or a small group of people working together, the title is one of simple ownership. The title CEO on the other hand, an American English term, refers to an officer of a company who has the responsibility of reporting to a board of directors. The Chief Executive Officer of said corporation has her role defined by that board or other authority and reports back into them.
The amount of one man bands who I have seen with business cards with the title CEO without even knowing what that means, makes me titter. Whilst this may seem like semantics, the problem I see with a number of people taking on board this title without understanding its implication is that they are focused more on pushing out a personal brand that often they cannot back up. How can you be the CEO of one?
Another example is employees who have been encouraged to fake it until they make it to a senior position. Again numerous amount of senior leaders I have had conversations with have been frustrated by candidates who have put themselves forward for roles they are not capable of. They believed if they pretended they could do the things required on the job that that was enough.
Now don't get me wrong I don't think there is anything wrong with applying for a job where you don't tick all the boxes but have the potential to fill in the shortcomings, the problem arises when people actually believe they are good at something they are not and then when problems arise are too afraid to ask questions to get the problem solved. They then don't ask because they are too busy faking it as if they know what they are doing.
(Clue. Good leaders are never afraid to ask questions)
I am all for positive affirmations
I am all for visualisation and encouraging people to follow their dreams
I am all for aspirational thinking.
My caveat however is that big thinking means nothing if you cannot back it up with big action.
A cursory glance through Linkedin profiles demonstrates individuals who have drunk the "fake it till you make it" Kool Aid. Or Ribena for us Brits.
What is it that makes you an expert?
A guru? Seriously? Do you even know what a guru is?
And are you going to include getting a crowd all hyped in Ibiza as part of your resume as an international speaker? True story.
For me I think there is more emphasis to be placed on learning the craft. Getting knowledge and surrounding yourself with mentors, coaches and supporters who will work with you on your journey of excellence. Those individuals who can demonstrate and remind you of what you have achieved to help boost your confidence. To show you how your past success, and learning from your mistakes keep it real so you don't have to be fake.
Now I am sure there are those who probably think I am taking such a throw away statement way too seriously. Maybe I am. But I have seen way too many adults (and students) becoming delusional because they have thought that in order to succeed they have to put on a front that they are already something they are not. The stress and anxiety that causes in turn is often more damaging than just accepting that we may not have all the answers, but we can present in who and what we are doing right now.
Just be you. Your authentic self, warts and all.
Accept uncertainty is part of life. Take pride in what you have achieved and the lessons you have learned from the mistakes you have made.
But don't fake it. Be real. Be you.
David McQueen is an international speaker, presentations coach and startup mentor. David is passionate about helping people to find success on their terms and to communicate effectively in pursuit of that success.
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Bringing people together to make a bigger difference. Vice-Chair: Women Acting in Today's Society. Voluntary Sector Chief Executive. Lunar Society: Environment, Social impact & Governance (ESG) champion.
1 年Change can only happen if you own what you believe is right. It does take courage I must admit. Thank you for the affirmation david mcqueen ????
Financial Controller
9 年Some great points David
Creative Director
9 年Great read
Strategy lead, BX/DX/CX, ex-Adidas - Digital Brand Transformation, DTC & Ecom, Design Thinking/Product Lead, Brand & Storytelling Specialist, Transformation Coach
9 年I don't think there's anything wrong with having a work persona especially when at the beginning of your career, when you're finding out who you are and what you want. However with experience comes authenticity, in my personal experience and being yourself is far more fulfilling than faking it. I have to say my experience of working closely with many MD's, business owners, and CEO's falls short many times, not only do a lot of these roles have no measurement set against them by companies but so many of the people in these roles have achieved them with no people management skills or understanding of what the roles entails.
Founder of LTF Digital / Consultant to Medical Aesthetics brands and practices. 20 yrs in Digital Marketing/Strategy. #Digital #Aesthetics
9 年I can appreciate your take on this Dave. I don't like that phrase exactly - it's an issue of language for me. It's not about faking it. It's about taking on challenges and then ensuring you put in EVERYTHING to make sure you can deliver against that challenge. I have always taken on things that, at the time of saying "Yes" I am not sure I could do - possibly some people would think that a bit stupid / ill-considered, but it has always served me well, and you will only find one or two people out there (from over 20 years of client delivery) who would say I failed (they might be right, or maybe they were just NEVER gonna be happy - I'll let the universe decide! My first (and only) "Job" (like, where I got a salary and stuff :-/), was advertised as needing 10 years of Apple Mac experience (among a lot of other things) - I didn't ACTUALLY have any of what they were asking for. But I applied, and I spent two weeks learning whatever I could. Once at interview stage, myself and the other two likely candidates (both 10 years older than me with WAY more experience) were set a challenge by the CEO. To revolutionise the way Recruitment is "marketed". One dude made a poster, the other came up with some half-baked idea about a calculator, and I designed a range of video interview terminals, a branded high street version of the company, and even created 3D models for everything to make the point. It took me almost 100 hours. I got the job. Then over 3 years, I got 6 pay rises, when everyone else was being let go or cut back. So, did I "Fake it" - at first yes. But then I absolutely killed myself to live up to that "Blag", and I've been pretty much doing that ever since. The difference being, after 20 years of Blag > Work my ass off > Deliver > Learn > Repeat, I would actually now, finally, tentatively, consider myself almost professional ;0) Since that first job interview (1999), I've delivered over £15 million worth of design and digital projects, won awards, created new companies both here and in the US that are doing well, grown teams, built products and processes and continued to adopt the approach that if I work hard enough, I can deliver anything, so I will (if the profit and capacity is available) "Say Yes and work it out later". Up to you whether you think that is faking it til I make it.....