Why Failure Isn't An Option

Why Failure Isn't An Option

Although chaos may reign, great leaders never quit trying and never give up.

They know that now more than ever, it's time to stay focused and keep moving forward.

They reach the pinnacles of success by not accepting failure as an option and going on to achieve great things.

Sometimes though, no matter how hard you try, your efforts seem not to amount to anything, and you feel close to failure.

Most of the time, you’re telling yourself self-defeating lies; other times, you just need to pick yourself up and start all over again.

When you leave ‘failure’ in the dust and begin again, you're seeing it for what it is rather than giving it importance. And now, it’s time to move on to something that does work.

No matter what's happening, failure doesn’t have to be an option you think about and resign yourself to.

Wallowing in stories of “what might have been” only keeps you from accomplishing what you’re capable of.

Consider the following truths before you accept failure as an option:

Know that life is a balance of good and bad times - Everyone experiences times in their lives when they cry when they’ve hit bottom, and when they feel on top of the world.

Life seems at times to be like an opera that fills your spirit with happiness and elation and then - before Act III ends -- brings it to the depths of despair.

Life's challenge is knowing that you’re part of the play, and only you decide what role you accept.

You’re in control - No matter how difficult it is to accept the failure of something - a relationship, a business, or a career path - know that you are in absolute control of your thought process and your focus and that only you can choose the path you take.

The reaction you choose to adversity will determine whether or not you go on to success or more failures.

Failure isn’t the end - At least, it’s not the end unless you give up.

You can choose to pick yourself up and begin again and summon the courage you need to get you through the bad times.

Failure only means you tried, and the way you tried didn’t work.

Now, try something different.

Enjoy life - Even though it may seem as if life has dealt you some bad hands, you’re way ahead if your needs are being met and you have hope.

Enjoy what you have and go on to life’s next phase.

Sometimes change is necessary in life to get rid of the old and make way for the new.

A perceived failure is only an opportunity for you to go to something better.

Because of the learning experience, you’ll find that you’re stronger than you thought you were and that you can accomplish more than you thought you could.

When you start to question whether you can make it, make this your new question: WHAT IF SUCCESS IS MY ONLY OPTION!

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I know what it feels like to be stuck in a business that isn’t working, because I’ve been there.

After struggling for over five years in the software company my other half, Robin, and I had, doing what the “gurus” said to do in order to succeed – to no avail – I discovered the transformative power of Energy Alignment and Law of Attraction.

It was only after we started integrating these practices into our software business that we were able to turn things around and go from over $100K in debt and near bankruptcy to a 7-figure bottom line in just nine months.

That was when I knew I had to “get out of high tech” and “into high people” to share what I know with heart-centered entrepreneurs.

Today, my passion is helping coaches, thought leaders, and spiritual entrepreneurs worldwide scale their businesses online to six figures and beyond.

My unique approach combines the practical, proven step-by-step strategies that are working in today’s ever-changing market with intuitive spiritual awareness.

I’m the author of two powerful books, “The Feel Good Guide to Prosperity” and “Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction” (which I co-authored with Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul? fame and Jeanna Gabellini).

But what really sets me apart in my field is how I bring together both the practical and the spiritual, helping my clients create success that aligns with their true purpose.

If you’re ready to take your heart-centered business to the next level, I’d love to help!

Join us in the Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur Facebook community here, where you'll receive plenty of tools, resources, and training on how to grow a successful enlightened business that lights up your Soul!


Eva Gregory, Intuitive Business Catalyst的更多文章

