Why Facebook EdgeRank is important?
Mahi Uddin
CEO and Founder at Outsourcing BD Institute and I Provide Digital Marketing, Data Entry, Graphic Design and SEO Services
Facebook's EdgeRank, which was the algorithm used to determine the relevance and visibility of content in users' News Feeds, has undergone changes and is now known as the Facebook algorithm. Its importance lies in how it influences what content users see on their News Feeds. While the exact specifics have evolved, understanding its principles is still crucial for individuals and businesses aiming to reach their audience effectively on the platform.
Here's why it was important and why understanding Facebook's algorithm (which might have evolved from EdgeRank) remains crucial:
While the specifics of EdgeRank have changed and evolved into a more complex Facebook algorithm, the core principles of relevance, engagement, and user experience are still crucial. To succeed on the platform, understanding these factors and creating content that aligns with them is essential.
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