Why Exoconsciousness is Integral to Disclosure of UAP Visitors

Why Exoconsciousness is Integral to Disclosure of UAP Visitors

In August of 2020, the Department of Defense established the UAP Task Force (UAPTF) with a mission to "improve its understanding of, and gain insight into, the nature and origins of [Unidentified Aerial Phenomena] UAPs. The mission of the task force is to detect, analyze and catalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to U.S. national security." [1]

This mission launched a project to understand UAPs as an expression of the Visitors by gathering information on their craft and behavior. UAPTF is a scientific study of the Visitor's craft, an arm's length, objective, nuts and bolts enterprise. It is information-driven using advanced technology (satellites, radar, aircraft) and massive data centers to collect and store information. From this information, technicians will develop algorithms to categorize, catalog, and discriminate data and form UAP prediction scenarios using artificial intuition (an advanced form of AI, machine learning).

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From the UAP data, engineers will create new materials, crafts, and propulsion systems. If promising, these new materials and designs, tested by engineers, will be launched as startups (joint ventures of government-intelligence-military-corporations) to scale this new technology and mainstream its use. The majority of these inventions will serve the space sector for research, mining (rare minerals to sustain the AI sector)[2] , defense, manufacturing, and data storage (satellite Central Bank Digital Currency platforms).

UAP and AI-Transhuman Space Race

In a nutshell, this is how UAP material science works. It is why the UAPTF report focuses on technology and accelerates another space race. This space race removes the veil of secrecy from tested and refined propulsion, craft and space technologies. It also sources funding for future innovations.

Moreover, UAP and AI-Transhuman programs are intricately connected. They provide data for space startups and collaborations, platforms for secure currency systems to finance expensive programs, and for Earth-bound citizens, they prop up the mainstream news narrative.

Space-driven Artificial Field of Consciousness

In my book, Exoconscious Humans: Will Free Will Survive in an Increasingly Non Human World?, I examine the material science process through the lens of Transhumanism and technocracy.[3]

A significant discovery while writing the book is that Transhumanism (synthetic biology, AI, digital currency, behavior, and mind control) creates an alternative, closed field of information. Transhumanism captures information, thoughts, and behaviors from humans and nature, creating an artificial field of consciousness.

Increasingly, natural humans will move into this field as genetically engineered hybrid humans, plants, and animals alongside computers and robots.?In a short time, humans will operate in this artificial field to live and work on Earth and in space.

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Vallee: Consciousness an Alternative Approach to UAP

Quietly last year, Jacques Vallee uploaded a paper to his website, "Towards Multi-Disciplinary SETI Research,"[4] authored by Federico Faggin, a physicist and engineer; Garry Nolan, a professor of microbiology and immunology; and Jacques Vallee, an astrophysicist and computer scientist. Solicited initially from a person within SETI, the authors learned it might be shelved, so they published it on Vallee's website.[5]

The startling conclusion of the paper recommended SETI search for consciousness and also revise the Drake Equation.

Aside from searching for the conditions of life as we know it and of intelligence directly derived from such life, couldn't we pose the problem in the form of a search for consciousness? If we assume that consciousness may not always be attached to a body in the material, biological sense as we currently understand it, how could the parameters in Drake's equation be revised?

Furthermore, they suggested broadening the scope of biology to forms of life yet ?discovered, such as "archaea, the extremophiles known to survive in harsh conditions close to underwater volcanoes, or algae that thrive on ice." These biological forms may remain undiscoverable due to our human refusal to expand our consciousness to other life forms. When discovered, these life forms could be at odds with the assumptions of the Drake Equation.

Vallee and his colleagues surmised that the current narrow confines of biological categories and mathematics of the Drake Equation were at odds with discovering other life forms in the universe. Essentially, materialism, without consciousness, lacks the scientific framework to explore potential Visitor life forms.

An Exoconscious Solution

Compared to the AI materialist approach, Exoconsciousness offers a dramatically different perspective that holds possibilities for revising the Drake Equation, understanding unknown biological life forms, and expanding human consciousness.

Exoconsciousness is the innate human ability to connect, communicate and co-create with ETs and multidimensionals. It is natural cosmic consciousness.

Compared to materialism, an Exoconscious approach to the Visitors and UAPs are experiential, subjective, holistic (mind, body, spirit), as well as analytic, scientific, and rational.

Fundamentally, Exoconscious Humans comprehend Visitors as beings with whom they share a common cosmic field of information. This mutual natural field of consciousness shares resonance, vibration, energy, and information. It connects humans and Visitors. The common field transmits the vibration, the language of their connection.

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How it happens: Process of Visitor Human Connection

How does the human-Visitor connection commence and develop?

First, the Visitor contact experience is immersive and initiatory. Experiencers often describe it as a bizarre phenomenon, chaotic, upside down, and confusing. It may cause a chasm to form in the mind of the human experiencer, but they recognize that this is an aspect of the consciousness phenomenon.

Exoconscious Humans are malleable and flexible in navigating the field of consciousness. They are aware that they often need to reshuffle their beliefs and the composition of their reality. Adoption of a new worldview may require healing old wounds and traumas. For a time, it may cause them to pull away from mainstream culture, but as culture is also consciousness, it is never a complete break. Gradually, a new sight and perspective evolve.

Importantly, Exoconscious Humans maintain and advance their dedication to picking up the strands of their initiatory contact. They devise tools and procedures to open new channels of connection. They adopt a willingness to nourish the Visitor connection.?It may paradoxically feel like walking in two worlds, but this feeling usually fades as they calmly integrate the presence of Visitors into their conscious awareness.

This calm integration fosters the opening of psychic abilities. Exoconscious Humans develop and refine psychic self-confidence. They trust the messages, downloads, transmissions, and their heightened abilities. Psychic knowing is a ?multifaceted and multidimensional phenomenon. ??

Spark of Co-Creation

As natural human consciousness nourishes the Exoconscious Human and Visitor, relationships bring about an added benefit.

Exoconscious Humans ignite profound, passionate energy within themselves. This energy connects them in the field of consciousness, wherein they realize exponential creativity, critical thinking, and free will. They become sovereign moral humans moving among and linking to a harmonic, peaceful host of Visitors.

As this passion expands, it shifts to acts of co-creation, which involves collaborating with the visitors to bring inventions and innovations to Earth and cosmic domains. On Earth, this energy is often felt as hands-on work, driven by creative passion and progressing toward shared goals for the health and advancement of natural human consciousness.


While the rapidly emerging Transhuman field of artificial consciousness holds the promise of colonizing and corporatizing space, it has defined limits as a closed material system.

As Vallee and his colleagues indicate, an alternative relies on the natural field of consciousness and co-creative Exoconscious Human and Visitor initiatives to explore hidden dimensions and relationships with Visitors throughout the cosmos. I suggest developing these consciousness initiatives using computer science as a tool, not a field of artificial consciousness.

Originally published in Journal of?Abduction-Encounter Research. https://bit.ly/3kpv3Vj


Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, Ph.D., is a leading expert in Exoconsciousness and the extraterrestrial presence. She is committed to building an Exoconscious Civilization co-created by humans, ETs, and multidimensional beings.

In Washington, DC, Rebecca was a member of Apollo 14 Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell's, Quantrek international science team, researching zero-point energy, consciousness, and the ET Presence.

Her newest book, Exoconscious Humans: Will Free Will Survive in an Increasingly Non-Human World? examines the intersection of AI and psychic intelligence.

Rebecca founded I-EXO, the Institute for Exoconsciousness ,?in 2016 to shift Experiencers into Exoconscious Entrepreneurs. I-EXOs mission is to advance Exoconscious Entrepreneurs as a new generation of leaders by mainstreaming their inventions and innovations.

Video Book Trailer : Exoconscious Humans: Will Free Will Survive in an Increasingly Non-Human World?

[1] https://www.defense.gov/Newsroom/Releases/Release/Article/2314065/establishment-of-unidentified-aerial-phenomena-task-force/

[2] ??Kate Crawford, Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2021.

[3] Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, Exoconscious Humans: Will Free Will Survive in an Increasingly Non Human World? Cardiff, CA: Waterside Productions, 2020

[4] https://www.jacquesvallee.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Towards_Multi-disciplinary_SETI_Research.pdf

[5] https://www.dailygrail.com/2019/09/seti-or-sac-should-the-search-for-extraterrestrial-intelligence-be-a-search-for-alien-consciousness/


